I HATE HATE HATE the University of Arizona

<p>I was waiting for the mail today (I live in CA) when I hear a thunk in the mail box. My sister runs out and grabs the mail as I just sighed. She came in running, "There's a big white envelope... from the University of Arizona!" she laughed. I hate that place so much. I live in CA; why would I go to Arizona when I have access to UCs? Second, it's already too late to apply to U Arizona; I've already finalized my list. And worst of all, THEY SENT BIG WHITE ENVELOPES AROUND MID-DECEMBER!! How stupid are they? Don't they know what we're going through? There's no need to screw with our anxiety! Anyway, my point is, the University of Arizona is crap, don't go there, don't apply there, and I HATE HATE HATE them!</p>

<p>On topic, I'm in CA and have received no reply from New Jersey.</p>

<p>Lol that reminds me: I told my friends that the most evil thing that they could do would be to send me a big envelope around Mid-december. Thank goodness my friends aren't that mean lol.</p>

<p>In which part of CA do you live?</p>

<p>haha jtc007. That would be funny if you got like....10 big envelopes a day from your friends =P</p>

<p>haha.. i can see everyone's mounting anxiety.</p>

<p>hahaha ohhh maann
I'm going to do that to my friends in April =p</p>

<p>loooll! I got a big white envelope too on thursday... Turned out to be a 2007 calendar that I got from Energy Savings Canada :/</p>

<p>Ha. I also noticed that I got a lot more college emails than usual on Thursday and Friday of this week. I guess they were trying to suck more prospective applicants in at their most vulnerable moment.</p>

<p>oh yea, I got a big envelope too, on Thursday, but it was just my class pictures. they turned out pretty well actually...</p>

<p>^haha I'm happy for you plenoasm ;]</p>

<p>lol me too, I guess? </p>

<p>this was probably one of my best weeks this year. I got quite a bit of sleep, I beasted two tests (still happy about that now. haha)
and theeenn...I got my deferral letter ...and my week crashed =/ but I'm over it now. =)</p>

<p>because the decision letter can still arrrive with a positive outcome or a negative outcome, according to that Schroedinger thread ...best of luck, omz! ;)</p>