<p>My school doesn’t have “hipsters”. We have “people-that-get-drunk-and-high-at-parties”, “people-that-are-always-drunk-and-high”, “nerd-geeks-with-no-life”, and “nerds-with-some-life”.</p>
<p>We are the mods, we are the mods. We are, we are, we are the mods.</p>
<p>500 days of summer is an AWESOME movie. Love Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel.</p>
<p>And even though we don’t have that many “hipsters” at our school (so maybe i don’t get how bad they are), overall there are things which I hate more</p>
<p>Being a hipster is too mainstream for me.</p>
<p>Labels are for soup cans. And how you hate an entire undefined group of people is beyond me. I am so glad I’m done with HS.</p>
<p>And why’d you have to bring Phoenix into this? I listen to Phoenix because they’re a great band. That doesn’t make me anything but a Phoenix fan.</p>
<p>But I don’t understand why some people use “legit” in every sentence. And some other people say “legitimate” in every sentence instead to show how much they hate the shortening of the word. Or why everything is “epic” now, even the turkey burgers in the cafeteria on Tuesday.</p>
And dog food.
Ask Hitler ([Godwin’s</a> law!](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin’s_law]Godwin’s”>Godwin's law - Wikipedia)).
It’s a legit hipster word.</p>
They’re just not as hip as the real hipsters.
<p>I, for one, could write an epic about those turkey burgers. So they’re pretty epic to me.</p>
<p>I, for one, welcome our new hipster overlords.</p>
<p>“Ask Hitler”</p>
<p>Even Hitler’s hatred was defined.</p>
<p>funny page on hipsters [Hipster</a> | Cracked.com](<a href=“Cracked.com - America's Only Humor Site | Cracked.com”>Cracked.com - America's Only Humor Site | Cracked.com) </p>
<p>And I’m tired of hipsters, their everywhere where I live. And most of them go to NYU and those smaller schools like the New School. Their starting to out number the damn pigeons!</p>
<p>@ toxic</p>
<p>LMAO. Thanks for the link.</p>
<p>Umm Phoenix is pretty main stream. They get, like, radio play.</p>
“Hipsters” and “people who use ‘legit’” are two entirely unrelated, though possibly overlapping, groups.</p>
<p>I hated hipsters before it was popular.</p>
[Venns</a> make things better!](<a href=“http://i52.■■■■■■■.com/i19myb.jpg]Venns”>http://i52.■■■■■■■.com/i19myb.jpg)</p>
<p>I hated Nazis even before the Holocaust.</p>
<p>omg Harry lol</p>
<p>Hipsters are kinda like an oxymoran. They shun anything popular and mainstream, yet they themselves are popular and mainstream.</p>
<p>I hate people who think it’s cool to hate people who are known for being hated.
Wait. did that make sense?</p>
<p>What is a hipster??</p>
A pretentious group who listen to “obscure” music, and hate social standards. They usually claim to wear second hand clothing or vintage clothing, and will have an air of superiority. Popular accessories of a hipster is a thick rimmed glasses and a beanie. Men usually have breads or mustaches. Sites like Tumblr and Pitchfork are very popular, Apple is also a popular product for them. You can see them in any large city, or liberal area, and a liberal arts college/artsy college (NYU, Brown, Columbia, Bard). They usually are a liberal arts major, and are independent or democrat. The popular hipster phrase is “I liked [insert subject] before is was popular”. </p>
<p>examples of hipsters
<a href=“http://laughingsquid.com/wp-content/uploads/hipster-20091203-143719.jpg[/url]”>http://laughingsquid.com/wp-content/uploads/hipster-20091203-143719.jpg</a>
<a href=“http://hipsterseatforfree.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/hipstercatalog.jpg[/url]”>http://hipsterseatforfree.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/hipstercatalog.jpg</a>
<a href=“http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_1iaF8oc0MWc/SwVX7D5LPZI/AAAAAAAABPU/2nLPv-qmNkQ/s1600/nylon+fashion+2007+hipster+girl+black+rim+glasses.jpg[/url]”>http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_1iaF8oc0MWc/SwVX7D5LPZI/AAAAAAAABPU/2nLPv-qmNkQ/s1600/nylon+fashion+2007+hipster+girl+black+rim+glasses.jpg</a>
<a href=“404 - Wayne Tippetts Reportage and Photo Archive”>404 - Wayne Tippetts Reportage and Photo Archive;
<p>Gosh, I live in a very cosmopolitan and liberal area, and I have never run across these types. Are they on any specific campus?</p>