I hate my major but I'm almost done?

I took a lot of IB/AP classes in high school so I entered college last summer as a junior in the college of business. I was originally planning on graduating with my Bachelor’s quickly so I could go on and get my MBA. Over the last few semesters I’ve realized that I completely despise business and I would much rather go into journalism. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of pressure from my family (they’re very excited that I’ll be the first girl in the family to get my MBA, and all before I can legally drink). There’s also a lot of pressure on myself, since I’ve always wanted to make a lot of money and have a nice house and all of that and well, journalism is sort of a dying sector, and very difficult to get into. Then there’s the issue of the fact that I feel like I wasted a whole year’s worth of tuition (I took out A LOT of loans) and time by continuing with business. I know I’m still ahead of the curve time-wise (I just turned 18 last week) but I really really don’t want to start over in another major when I’m already almost done with this one. It also doesn’t help that my academic adviser told me that most students that graduate (with my major) from the area I live in end up working at Starbucks. I keep putting off picking my classes for next semester because they all look so miserably boring to me. Do I stick with business and (potentially) make a lot of money and make my whole family happy or do I let down my entire family and myself, and probably have to move back home because I can’t afford but rent, just to go into journalism?

This is one of these lifetime desicions that few people can help you with.

Look, you have to do what makes you happy but you have to think smartly if you want to get out of this. First, you have loans to pay so I wouldn’t recommend you getting into journalism before paying them. Second, don’t trust your advisor like he was a know-it-all, you should check real facts about that before trusting your advisor (If an advisor is reading this, I’m not trying to offend you, we are all human beings and we commit errors sometimes). Once you pay all your debt you can get into journalism.

This may help you or not but don’t forget that your happiness is first before anything else, consider ALL pros and cons of your desicions before doing them.