I have a 3.3 gpa after the end of freshman year, should I be worried for what the future holds?

I have a 3.3 gpa and my freshman year has just ended, now I’m worried that it can’t be brought up quite as much as I would hope. Do I need to stress and try to get 4.0’s the rest of my three years? Any support would be helpful thanks.

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That’s almost a B+ average - there is nothing wrong with that! There are plenty of colleges that would be happy to welcome a solid, consistent student like you. Keep your grades up, take challenging classes, but don’t stress too much. Try to not to dip below a 3.0. They’ll be a great college for you when the time comes.


Why do you need to stress?

Be the best you that you can be - challenge yourself in school but don’t overreach to classes that are too much. Get involved - whether in band, a sport, club, job, etc.

There’s tons of colleges out there - and there will be far more than one for you.

Nothing to worry about.

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I hope you can relax. Your grades meet a benchmark for many schools. Public and private.
Check this out: Colleges That Change Lives – Changing Lives. One Student At A Time. (ctcl.org)

I also hope you can enjoy high school. Make sure to work, volunteer or participate in extracurriculars. Those things are important for happiness and a side effect is they may help with admissions too.

My 3.3 kid just got accepted to 17 schools.