i just got an email that i was admitted.

<p>i just got an email that i was admitted!!!!!
its my first acceptance and im surprised cuz i thought it would take longer!!!
i got in with pharmaceutical sciences!
i know purdue is well known for pharmacy and engineering.
does anybody know hows pharmaceutical science is at purdue?</p>

<p>I got the email as well. </p>

<p>Cant help you with the pharmaceutical sciences.</p>

<p>i got admitted to aerospace engineering but i didnt get the email lol</p>

<p>watev, admit is admit</p>

<p>I did receive that email. Is there something about choosing the poster? But when I try to choose a poster, it says i need a pin number. Does any know what that is?</p>

<p>And by the way, I think pharmaceutical science is a good major. I was really hesitating between Pharmaceutical science and prepharmacy, but I choose prepharmacy. I am sure that Purdue pharmaceutical science is also pretty good.(my personal opinion)</p>

<p>Congratulation to everyone who get in!</p>

<p>I’m also confused about the pin number. It says it should be in the email, but there is none there.</p>

<p>^ I couldn’t find it either.
maybe there will be another email coming soon.</p>

<p>i wonder if i will be able to change to prepharmacy later ? because im very interested in pharmacy as well.</p>

<p>Its the bottom bottom of the e-mail
the TTY and that whole number</p>

<p>also quick question:
I got in and i applied to krannert (school of management) so am i automatically directly admitted to that?</p>

<p>Tmac- I couldn’t find the pin either haha. I thought I was just missing it.</p>

<p>I do believe that the Pre-Pharm program is actually quite tough in Purdue. I have a friend whos in the program and he tells me it’s A LOT of work but he still gets his fun with partying on the weekends though. To get into the Pharmacy program is REALLY hard and you need to have a good GPA from your Pre-Pharm classes. But congrats on getting into the program first of all since that is hard as is.</p>

<p>i got the email too! i couldn’t find the PIN number, though</p>

<p>***? After plugging in my pin number, the TTY, it says that it has already been used…</p>

<p>I didn’t receive email.</p>

<p>I don’t think the TTY is what we are supposed to use because that is just a phone number for Purdue. I bet they will end out another email with pin numbers on Monday</p>

<p>No, we do use the TTY. I tried it and it worked and I already picked out a picture for my poster.</p>

<p>Vohra- I’m guessing you got lucky and accidentally used somebody else’s number. The TTY number is the same for everyone, just a phone number for Purdue. You happened to get lucky. That’s not the pin number.</p>

<p>My son typed in 0123456789 as a joke and it worked.</p>

<p>lol i can confirm rbc77 comment</p>

<p>i tried 0123456788 and it worked</p>

<p>yeah I tried a random number too but didn’t order a poster bc i figure thats probably someone elses # who will want one and you can only use each # once</p>

<p>i haven’t tried it, but are the posters free?</p>