I love taking these tests

<p>i love beating everyone after not studying and having all the pseudo-intellectuals as well as asians be disgusted at the fact that I beat their scores to a ridiculous extent.</p>

<p>^ i agree with Bigb14…are you guys kidding? like come on…but …this is CC afterall.</p>

<p>there is nothing wrong with liking the SAT. people who enjoy solving puzzles usually enjoy the SAT in my experiences.</p>

<p>Haha, I kinda like taking the SAT…lol</p>

<p>i wanna take it for fun nx yr,but unfortunately it’s just wasting another 4 hrs of my life and 45 bucks. i wanna take another math2,just to get 800(i know my 800 is gone for nov)… but i dont wanna waste time n money =S</p>

<p>Haha I don’t like studying for it
But otherwise it’s not so bad!
It’s just a bit too long for my attention span. I love the feeling afterwards…and everything else afterwards (getting score, comparing them…etc)</p>

<p>To all the haters out there,</p>

<p>do you enjoy crosswords? sudoku? IQ tests? Manga tests? etc…</p>

<p>For those of us who are statistically and biologically “smarter” than others, all these things (and standardized tests) are fun in a way. It’s like sitting down in front of something, thinking “I know I am better than this puzzle. Nothing can stop me,” and intellectually pwning it with a vengeance haha.</p>

<p>Also, verifiably proving that you are better at something than 99.9% of Americans your age is very satisfying.</p>

<p>^ 99.9th %ile requires a 2360</p>


I love people getting pwned by the test in that they feel the need to study.</p>


LOL oh yes because SAT is verifiable proof of intelligence.</p>

<p>Poseur obviously can’t read. Re-examine that sentence you quoted. Do it again. Does the word intelligence EVER appear? Once? Twice?</p>

<p>I said “better at something” and I meant it. I am better at taking an aptitude test than 99% of Americans, and that, good sir, is undeniable.</p>

<p>Oh, and P.S., in response to your first comment/quote: I never studied. At all. Not one bit. Didn’t take a prep course. Didn’t buy a book. Didn’t even look at Sparknotes. It comes naturally to me. Deal with it.</p>

<p>~ double-post, ignore this ~</p>

<p>OH… lol I saw the word “smarter” from the previous paragraph and inserted it mentally into that sentence. My apologies. I should learn do more than skim posts before replying to them.</p>

<p>In that case, I agree. :smiley: It’s good to know you have a random talent, even if it’s something as useless in application as taking a test.</p>

<p>In response to your P.S.: Join the club. :rolleyes: You’re no more special than the rest of us who have the same (useless) natural talent, lol.</p>

<p>hookem this is not the right place to brag. poseur got a 2390 with no prep so i doubt he is impressed by your 22x0 score.</p>

<p>AHAHAHAHA. Oh man, I know I’ve spent too much time on the internet (/bragged too much) if people know that. D: </p>

<p>Also, I != “he” >:]</p>

<p>choklitrain… how did you know that?</p>

<p>Oh yeah, the wait sucks but taking the test isn’t too bad</p>

<p>Please, everybody who’s been on HSL knows Poseur’s SAT score…</p>

<p>;) just kidding, but I think a lot of people DO know your score Poseur</p>

<p>I mean it’s in my profile but lolol

<p>what’s hsl? lol</p>

<p>^ high school life…the forum on CC.</p>

<p>haha that’s pretty flippin’ sweet, Poseur. Hopefully, in the future, there will be a job that pays 6 figures, and whose only necessary qualifications are “must be able to take worthless tests with limited prep and do pretty dang well.” lmao</p>

<p>ilove when test is over</p>