I love taking these tests

<p>I don't know..its fun taking em, waiting for your scores, seeing how you do and comparing them to everyone else...</p>

<p>anyone else feel the same way? or am i just weird lol</p>

<p>I hate taking them, hate waiting, and LOVE getting scores. :p</p>

<p>i really love the process… laughing and at the same time nervious test takers, those crazy 5 mins breaks - thats really amazing lol
the only thing i do hate about this test is that we have to get up SO … early</p>

<p>I agree with azndude1 :)</p>

<p>I’m with azndude, too. Today I met someone else applying to Harvard during the five miute breaks…</p>

<p>I`d love taking them if i am completely prepared :}</p>

<p>same here budd</p>

<p>I like seeing people not give a crap about these tests.</p>

<p>It makes me feel a little better about my scores because I know theirs are worst lol.</p>

<p>But I guess I will miss the “rush” after taking the test and then having to go through a painful torture of waiting for your scores…</p>

<p>…are u guys serious…</p>

<p>sitting,waiting,wishing - jack johnson
he owns.</p>


Ditto, lol</p>

<p>I am totally serious; sad, isn’t it?</p>

<p>yes…i feel very sorry for u…</p>

<p>i love the test;i hate the night before it - i get nervous.
i love the feeling i get after tests, unless i bombed it .hah
i also love people getting pwned by the test, cuz they dont want to study~~</p>

<p>I kind of see where you guys are coming from… I don’t want to wait until March to take it for the second time, but I do need sufficient time to study and January is too soon.</p>

<p>The SAT is like a challenging game, and if you win(aka scoring 2400) you become “The Man” and are interviewed by the local newspaper in addition to gaining a college admissions edge.</p>

<p>I would like the SATs if they didn’t start so early in the morning and were two hours shorter. The CR passsages are sometimes fun. Before and after the test the studying and waiting are boring though.</p>

<p>How do you get interviewed by the paper? Call them up and say “What do you know, I got a 2400 on the SATS!!!”?</p>



<p>Agreed. It’s almost like I feel a rush out of taking theses tests. :D</p>

<p>I realize this is CC… but seriously guys… get a life -_-'</p>

<p>lol i agree bigb14</p>