<p>I am a transfer student from a CC. This is my first quarter at UCD and i gotta say UCD rocks! I got accepted to UCSD and UCD but i chose UCD because it was closer to my home. It was my best decision because I get to go home every short holiday and break. I can bike to school or anywhere in Davis. The people are chill. The girls are cute. The school is beautiful. What else can you ask for =].</p>
<p>more **** to do on the weekends other than house parties.</p>
<p>Just finished my quarter as a transfer from CC also. I am pretty happy, but sometimes i think i should have just stayed closer to home. But yeah, i really like the fact that you can bike anywhere in Davis, i also enjoy the fact that i can ride my bike to Sacramento pretty fast. I don’t have a problem staying entertained on the weekends.</p>
<p>I am a freshman at UCD. Was also accepted into UCSD, but chose UCD for the same reasons as you, biochemUCD. </p>
<p>I admit that classes are hard and sometimes the quarter system sucks…but I expected that and have not regretted my decision once; I love UCD! The dorms are much nicer than other schools I looked at, interesting classes, great people…plenty of stuff to do, and being able to bike anywhere in town is awesome.</p>
<p>Davis is so freaking awesome, I applied there for admission in the Fall 2012 term. I really hope I get in!</p>
<p>meee toooo it’s my number one choice. CAN’T WAIT TIL MARCH. </p>
<p>if I get in I am going to be sooooo happy, if I don’t I’m going to cry for the rest of my life.</p>
<p>ok maybe not, bt still its like the total perfect school for me.</p>
<p>Good luck to you both lily and quietdude for 2012. </p>
<p>I just finished my first quarter as a transfer too and can honestly say I do enjoy attending school here. It’s a challenge and at times it seemed like I wanted to rip my eyeballs out. But before you know it, ten weeks have passed at the speed of light, you’re already registered for classes for the next term and you then find yourself ferociously checking sisweb every 37 seconds to see if your profs have posted your final grades yet lol </p>
<p>Then you get a break from it all and can relax for four weeks. And suddenly while sipping your fifth Corona and posting on CC, it hits you that in 5 days the fun (and pain
) begins all over again lol!</p>
<p>well, it’s usually three weeks. the extra week of break is weirding some of us out. i’ve actually been back in davis for the quarter now just because staying home for four weeks is a bit much.
i really want to go back though. lol. i am ready for break to be over</p>