I messed up Junior Year, do I have a chance at UCs?

<p>Sophomore Year:
Semester 1:
English 2- A
World History AP- B
Spanish 2- A
Pre-Calculus- A
Semester 2:
English 2- A
World History AP- A
Spanish 2- A
Pre-Calculus- A
PE- A</p>

<p>Junior Year:
Both Semesters:
US History- A
Spanish 3- A
Calculus AB- C
AP Literature- B
Guitar 2- A
Chemistry- A </p>

<p>SATs: 1760</p>

<p>Math is a really important subject and I feel like despite it being an AP class, getting a C in it both semesters will really ruin my chances of getting into a decent UC, especially if I want to major in bio. My SATs are also not as high as I want them to be although I do hope to work at it to get it a few hundred points higher.
I do not think I have a shot at UCSD or UCD anymore. Do I have any chances at Irvine?</p>

<p>Calculate your CSU/UC GPA see link:<a href=“Cal State Apply | CSU”>Cal State Apply | CSU;
SAT is low for all UC’s except for UCR and UCM. Definitely retake the SAT and aim for a 2000+ if you are interested in UCSD. Also GPA is weighed more heavily than SAT scores. If your CSU/UC GPA is 4.0+, your chances will be higher. Good Luck! </p>

<p>If you reallyyyy want UCD/UCSD/UCI, get a really high SAT score to increase your chances. For UCD, you can apply as a different less-competitive major for the sake of acceptance, and you can switch to bio later.</p>

<p>Long post,but please do read as it took me a long time to type this :D</p>

<p>Relax, you do have a chance! :slight_smile: . You know what I was really scared the summer before my senior year about getting into UC’s because I personally, also, had a horrible junior year with 3 B’s first semester 2 B’s second semester and I was worried sick. I know a B doesn’t sound bad,but for the higher reach schools like UCSD, UCLA and UC Berkeley, it pretty much decrease your chances, but you know what? I GOT ACCEPTED :smiley: . I thought I had no chance at all,but I totally explained my circumstances and reasons why my grades dropped during junior year and I was actually accepted into UC Berkeley this fall! Go bears! :D</p>

<p>I do know now everyone will begin asking about my EC’s and all,but honestly I only had like 3 main ones along with 2 occasional summer activities,but I got that chance and so will you. Everything at UC Admissions is holistic as I recently went to orientation and many students were like “How did I get accepted? As I had really bad test scores or grades” And then there were people getting rejected with great stats ( not just from Engineering,but other colleges within the UC as well),so as you see, admissions are unpredictable ;(</p>

<p>I am not saying that don’t try on your SAT or totally give up because try on your SAT and try to improve your score or try the ACT (The ACT was actually easier for me and I scored a 29 while on the SAT I was stuck at 1810 to 1990) My score ranged and then got super scored.So, do try to improve your score if possible and if not mention any EC even if it includes being a summer camp counselor or a babysitter, just show your passion for it and your leadership. Write your essay with YOUR voice in it. Do not let other ppl’s edits or criticisms hurt your essay and your confidence. I let no body ready my essays. Lol :smiley: .But, if you want do elt others’ edit your essay,but don’t let them steal your voice. </p>

<p>Apply to UC Irvine, UC Riverside ( I actually applied to UC Riverside as a safety school and I actually liked the school), UCSD, UC Davis and UC Berkeley. Apply and believe in holistic admissions. This idea of holistic admissions actually works and don’t be scared :slight_smile: . I was and so stressed,but everything worked out at the end and so it will for you :slight_smile: . Explain any family situations and hardships and do not be shy about it. I was not shy about my personal hardships,but one of extremely smart friends was,so she didn’t mention how her mother worked multiple part-time jobs and never got to see her during the week and how her father was struggling to find a job. She was in extreme hardship and did not mention it once,but if she did then her application would’ve gotten a new perspective as her hardships did contribute to some lower grades in school and lower test scores,so don’t be like my friend and be open and honest :slight_smile: <3 . Stay strong <3</p>