I messed up my why us

For my supplemental why us, I stated like furthermore i wanna pursue a MBA at kenan flagler… something along the lines of that bascially. I did not realize MBA’s required work experience, and they were not like other majors where you can go straight from undergraduate to master’s degree.

Should I email admissions to request to change it or should I just leave it be and hope that the two AOs reading my application don’t take notice… I indicated basically I wanted to pursue a major, and then I added onto it by saying I wanted to pursue an MBA like basically after my undergraduate at UNC Kenan Flagler Business School, showing my continued interest.

I think I just ruined all my chances at UNC, and it’s like my dream school I worked so hard for. How would AOs take notice of this? I think the overall of my application is strong though (4.7 GPA, 1550+ SAT, decent ECs, good LORs, in state), just my essays are awful, but it’s also a really competitive school.


If you are in-state for UNC, you will likely be admitted.

If applying as a non-resident, chances are low, but your numbers are great.

Just let the process resolve itself.

Is work experience required for admission to UNC’s MBA program ? Or is it just strongly preferred ?

I would seriously not worry about it. You could in fact get work experience and then come back. And I am quite sure if UNC wanted you based on the rest of your application, they would not change their mind because of something like this. They are not going to be looking for some thin excuse to reject you instead.

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