I need advice!

Hey ya’ll! I’m a junior in high school, and I’m planning on applying to UM, most likely RD. I need advice on how I can improve my chances of getting in? These are my current stats:
Hispanic Female from FL
Languages: Spanish & English
GPA: 3.883/4.220
APs: Human Geo, World History, US History, English comp
All honors classes except for electives

3 years softball in a rec league.
Playing violin for 7 years (section leader my sophomore year)
I have been taking care of my nephew since middle school
Student tutor
YouTube channel
Key Club
Comm. Service at library

Oh and I have also taken the ACT and got a 29. I’ll be retaking it in June, am also taking the SAT.

Work on your test scores and apply Early Action (Action, not Decision) in order to be considered for the best scholarships. The deadline in November 1st.

Do you have funds to get an ACT coach? My D had one and her score went up by 5 points or so. It wasn’t that expensive either. We paid by the hour and maybe cost $250 total. Those 5 points equated to tons of scholarships coming our way. Best ROI we’ve ever had.

$250 total? Most testing tutors in SoFlo charge a lot more than that. If you have the money, though, it is still worth it.

Try to improve on yourself first, though. That might work for you; you may not need a tutor.

I definitely think you have a good shot at getting in. Like TQ said, apply Early Action for sure. It is not restrictive so u can apply to many other schools EA in addition to UM.

If you are applying to FROST to play violin, you will be restricted to RD. (Frost does not accept EA). THE []_[] superstores, so take the ACT as often as you can afford, until you are satisfied. A good tutor will increase your score by a couple of points. $250 does seem light. Good luck.

Hello! Your info looks good! Just to add on to what everyone else is saying- def try to get the test scores up, try the SAT. I got in w/ a 31 superscored ACT, 30 raw. Good luck!

Thanks ya’ll. I have the ACT prep course, so I’ve been studying through there. Hopefully It’ll raise me up by at least 2 points!