<p>who goes with an ex to hang out with a girl he is interested in then text another ex while with those two girls? maybe i don't understand relationship dynamics...</p>
<p>He is fine. He got home at around 4 and texted me to let me know he was home. We are now having a conversation about what happened and he's saying that he now plans to get drunk once a week because it's so "fun." Ugh.</p>
<p>"so your ex IS in college right now? if so, i doubt you'll be able to keep him since you're still in high school. was he your first "love"? people feel like the first will be the only but it's simply not true. i would advise you to be upfront with your caring admonitions but besides that you should allow him the independence to make his own decisions.</p>
<p>oh. and do NOT apply to his college. you'll want to go there if you get in. but it's likely that you will make a great mistake by doing that."</p>
<p>He's a rising freshman. He moves in on September 16 and starts on the 19th. So yes, I guess he is in college. And yes, I am still in High School. I guess you could say it was a "first love" type deal. And yes, I am very sad to see him go from my life, especially in such a hard way. And yes, I will not stop liking him for a long while.</p>
<p>I have been upfront with what I believe, but he takes my advice as orders. For example, we just got done talking about alcohol and getting drunk. I was talking about how it's not a very good idea to go out and get drunk just for the sake of getting drunk. I'm not saying you should live a life free of alcohol, but I said that it's best to confine your consumption of alcohol to parties. Drinking alone in a dorm room with one or two friends is hot breeding ground for alcoholics. Anyway, how did he end the conversation? By saying... You are ordering me around. Never EVER order me around.</p>
<p>And, I will be applying to his college. And, I will get in (it's our state school, OSU). Will I go? Who knows.</p>
<p>okay, as a female, a mom, and someone who has been there, you need to let him go as a friend, at least for awhile, otherwise you will go bonkers</p>
<p>he sounds like he is going to call you when he is drunk and then just get annoyed and you can't change his idiotic behavior, all you can do is hope he doesn't die or get hurt or hurt someone else</p>
<p>think about this for a minute- what kind of "friend" is he being right now, and do you need that in your life when you need to focus on you- your applications, your test, your grades, and all the rest</p>
<p>so take a break, to give both of you some space emotionally, and if you start to think about him, do ten jumpingjacks</p>
<p>ANd if you end up at the same college, well, alot happens in a year, so don't hold back just because he is there</p>
<p>maybe he will get bored with the drinking, and if he does overindulge, most likely it will affect his grades, etc</p>
<p>good luck and remember, he is being a jerk right now, and you can't fix him</p>
<p>Omg!!!111 Drma Drma!1111 Juzt Lioke L4gun4!!!!111!111</p>
<p>Oh if it were only as easy as just forgetting about him, I would have done it a million times over.</p>