<p>Oh cool I’m taking the SAT again in Jan too, except I’m hoping to improve my math and writing scores. </p>
<p>the first time i took the SAT I got a 570 in CR and in the Nov I got 710. I started prepping for the Nov SAT in Sept so a 600 in 2 mths is very doable. My Cr routine was pretty consistent for the two months.</p>
<li><p>Study 8 Direct Words a day/ 56 words a week. At tat the end of each week I’d get my mom to quiz me on them. </p></li>
<li><p>I’m not a big reader and I guess that could have attributed to my low CR score, so I decided to force myself to read. I started with The Economist and The New York Times. I mostly read articles that intrigued me i.e. mostly science or medical articles, then eventually I started to force myself to read other types of articles like economics, politics, sports, etc. This helped with creating an artificial interest in those long, boring CR reading passages.</p></li>
<p>I also started reading books, In the two months I read The Book Thief (loved this book), The Hunger Games Trilogy (not SAT related just did it to get into the groove of reading), To Kill a Mockingbird, The Last Lecture, The Wind Up Bird Chronicle (not bad, but it starts of slow) and The Kite Runner( great read)</p>
<li>When I took the SAT for the first time, I didn’t know about CC, and i can tell you that CC has been invaluable in my prep. I recommend you check out these threads </li>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-preparation/1205147-how-did-you-raise-your-critical-reading-score.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-preparation/1205147-how-did-you-raise-your-critical-reading-score.html</a></p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-preparation/1173822-my-fast-sat-prep-guide-how-i-went-2080-2340-10-days.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-preparation/1173822-my-fast-sat-prep-guide-how-i-went-2080-2340-10-days.html</a></p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-preparation/750399-how-attack-sat-critical-reading-section-effectively.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-preparation/750399-how-attack-sat-critical-reading-section-effectively.html</a></p>
<p>There are some more but i cant find the bookmarks, when I do I’ll post them.</p>
<li><p>Also check out Sparknotes. They were very helpful for the reading passages.[SAT:</a> Improve SAT Score with SparkNotes: The Long of It](<a href=“SparkNotes: Today's Most Popular Study Guides”>SparkNotes: Today's Most Popular Study Guides)</p></li>
<li><p>If you could get your hand on The Rocket Review Revolution then do. I love this book its so easy to use and very helpful. I couldn’t get the book but someone on CC turned me onto a site where I could get see excerpts from the book, and trust me the tips in this book were really helpful. favorite one is “To change your SAT score, you have to change the way you take the test”. So I had to abandon my old strategy and try a bunch of different ones until i found one that works for me. </p></li>
<p>Reading Comprehension:
[The</a> SAT Reading Comprehension: Basic Principles - FamilyEducation.com](<a href=“SAT Critical Reading Tips”>SAT Critical Reading Tips)</p>
<p>Sentence Completion:
[The</a> SAT Sentence Completions: Basic Principles - FamilyEducation.com](<a href=“http://school.familyeducation.com/college-prep/sat/39913.html?detoured=1]The”>SAT Sentence Completion Practice - FamilyEducation)</p>
[The</a> SAT Proofreading and Editing Section: Basic Principles - FamilyEducation.com](<a href=“http://school.familyeducation.com/college-prep/sat/39910.html?detoured=1]The”>http://school.familyeducation.com/college-prep/sat/39910.html?detoured=1)</p>
<p>(I mostly used it for reading comprehension, DH really did improve my sentence completions)</p>
<p>Nov SAT Critical Reading Breakdown
Sentence Completions 18/19 (should be 19, but oh well)
Passages 44/48</p>