I really need you adive..im desperate

<p>well my concern is about my GPA...
since I took algebra and french in middle school my GPA was 3.25...then freshman year was hard cause i took the most challenging corses so i got a 3.35...sophmore year once again all honors and also the most AP's a sophmore can take in my skool which is 2, so my sophmore GPA was a 4.(U.W) and a 4.1(W)...junior year i am taking nearly all AP's and have all A's in them....</p>

<p>so I am trying to apply to the Honors Program at VT...do u think i can get in?</p>


<p>Oh and also I probably will get these awards:
National Merit Scholor
AP Scholor
Scinece Place 3rd place (in skool)</p>

<p>My SAt score: 2000/2400</p>

<p>I'd say you have a good shot at getting into the Honors Program.</p>

<p>There is a minimum SAT and GPA for Honors which I think you have. But check their website.</p>

<p>The requirements are either:
3.5-3.69 UW GPA and atleast 620 CR, 600 M, and 1400 CR+M SAT
3.7+ UW GPA and atleast 620 CR, 600 M, and 1300 CR+M SAT</p>

<p>if ACT instead of SAT: Atleast 3.5 UW GPA and atleast 29 composite, 27 English, and 26 Math</p>