<p>You're not the only one. I hate my parents too. Kinda like some of your reasons. That's why I'm putting all I can into college. College, the way I see it, is my way out.</p>
<p>wait it out until graduation. don't let the things they say matter to you. just shake it off and keep your eyes on the prize - college.</p>
<p>that's what I'm doing. i don't like my father very much, but for worse reasons than your's.</p>
<p>I understand where you're coming from but I really really think you should stop whining. In the end, it's your choice where to go - not your parents'. Yes, you're in a sticky situation with your parents. Some kids have it much worse.</p>
<p>If you can't stand your parents so much, just get a job or find something else to keep yourself occupied and to avoid them. If you love Stanford, go for it. Ignore the nagging about HYP, and keep calm when your parents start to argue with you. You say "they would sever ties with me if i left for stanford, and i know theyre serious." <---This is not the end of the world. And if you really want to attend Stanford it's your own choice not your parents'. Good luck!</p>
<p>I believe Harvard is much farther by train then upenn. Going to HYP is a blessing and a gift directly from God. Do your parents understand that it is not up to them where you go? Its not up to you if you go to HYP. Its up to the admissions committee. Also the fact that they would threaten to even severe ties is appaling dude I sympathize. I wanna apply to Stanford too but my mom does want me to because she'll miss me too much. </p>
<p>Also grad schoool is what matters. There's a lot of perhaps amjority of kid at top grad and prof schools from rancid undergrads. Plus if you go to HYP and fail isnt it worse. Not everyone is a sucess. Somone has to graduate at the bottom. Also an income study showe dper capita Washington and lee students made more money than their peers at Harvard.</p>
<p>for the people who said that the op should just sever ties w/ his parents and go to stanford, um, who is gonna pay for college?</p>
<p>most highschoolers cant afford over 40k per year, and if he severed ties, then why in the world would his parents pay for a college they don't want him going to? even with finan. aid, its super expensive.</p>
<p>just a thought.</p>
<p>Just remember, they're ultimately trying to help you. While it's bad to have parents who are over involved in the college admissions process, I have very apathetic parents who aren't interested in helping me prepare in the slightest (especially for an Ivy, which they think would be useless to attend), despite being them perfectly capable, and I don't think that's much better.</p>
<p>tell your parents to go do some research ..... pfffft Harvard .
Apply for Stanford its awesome ... acedemically better then Brown .... and the campus is huge....</p>