<p>Woot!!! I am so happy...my hard work has finally paid off. Anyway..i gotta focus on the October 15th deadline and everything. Thanks for all your support guys.</p>
<p>Congratulations......what a great day for you.</p>
<p>Yea I have checked the mailbox religiously for months for an LOA and now I finally received one. It feels great to be "wanted" by your dream school and to be one of a few hundred kids out of thousands to get one. My parents are celebrating too by making me a barbecue chicken dinner soon so its only getting better. </p>
<p>Best of Luck to all the candidates of '10</p>
<p>JQ, what are your stats looking like? Academically and athletically, to be specific.</p>
Get a couple push-ups in before you eat that barbecue. ;)</p>
<p>JQ - Congrats! Is there enough for the rest of us? I do so love BBQ chicken. I have pie I could bring! I repeat what I'd posted in the hurricane thread for you: Go get those DODMERB, nominations, and grades!! Tell your parents to hang in there and go do good in the world kid! We've only got one & you're in charge!</p>
<p>haha yea ironically i did do a few pushups when i got the letter...i dunno why. Anyway about my stats...lets just say that my sat wasn't over 1400.</p>
<p>hey jq, did you send in everything from the packet? Or did you go to SLS or how did they know about you? Just curious because I'm checking my mailbox religously too! I've sent in everything including the CFA as of today.</p>
<p>Congratulations! Well earned.</p>
<p>no no no jq tell meee yourrr stats plzzzz ahhhhhhh</p>
<p>Way to go!! Congratulations. Now, as far as the rest of the paperwork and requirements:...Giterdun!! (Sorry, just had to throw that in cause Jamzmom was on here.)</p>
<p>Actually I have to finish the candidate responses, get a teacher eval, and photocopy some stuff. I have to get my butt in gear to meet the Oct 15th deadline. Anyway, I am so excited...I cant believe i got one. This saves me alot of trouble with nominations and ultimately getting accepted. Anyway.. thanks for the congrats you guys are awesome.</p>
<p>hmmmm, I think you still need a nomination. And if you mean it will make it easier, be careful. If you walk in act smug to the nomination committee, they may get the word back to WP.</p>
<p>Allow me to clarify. I was refering to not having to get the principle nomination to get a spot in the class. Im sure there are more qualified people in my district..which would make me a "qualifying alternate" and be placed on the NWL. Getting placed on the NWL is a long and tedious process sometimes lasting till april/may. I know 150 people get off it but still. Now i could be ranked last by my congresspeople and still get in guarenteed. In fact, I just remembered to send a copy to my MOCs so they can give someone else principle nomination.</p>
<p>ok im kinda confused about a LOA, does it mean that as long as you get a nomination you are in? Do you have to get an LOA to be accepted?</p>
<p>The Letter Of Assurance is a promise of a seat in the class contingent on
the candidate securing a Nomination,successfully completing
their file, passing the PAE andthe Medical exam. The LOA is
AdmissionsÂ’ way of going out on a limb to attract and secure the
highest qualified candidates.</p>
<p>No, you don't need an LOA to get in.</p>
<p>Think of an LOA as West Point's version of Early Decision - it lets top candidates know that they are in.</p>
<p>Don't flip out if you don't get an LOA. It's used for top athletes, women, minorities, and scholars. The highly-qualified generalist probably doesn't receive an LOA and still gets in when the Admissions Board starts meeting in February. My son was put on the National Waiting List - they typically put about 600 people on the NWL and take about 200. My son didn't hear until May 15th. FYI - He's got straight A's (6 weeks in the academic year) and made a corps team sport (he wasn't recruited). So don't worry about LOA's. Just follow the process and do your best this year.</p>
<p>From something else I read I believe you also have to maintain your grades through your Senior year. If you slack off and start failing classes they can yank that LOA back. Probably not a problem for most people who've earned one of course.</p>
<p>Hopefully my grades dont plummit too much. Im doing 5 aps and an honor course that are killing me. If i get straight B's ill be happy...even though ive received straight A's throughout my high school career. If i got these grades could it be yanked? I know im a bit paraniod i just cant help it.</p>
<p>jq - I am not sure how far grades can slip before an LOA gets revoked, but this is not the time to relax and slack off. Your LOA certainly puts you in a better position than you were without one, but my advice would be to continue to strive for the straight A's that you have achieved so far. Remember that your goal is to receive and appointment. Congratulations again - and keep focussed!</p>