<p>So we're just 3 days from M9 (TSAO) , and looking back there's something "I regret " -Not applying to Lawrenceville- and "I should have" kept more in touch with my interviewers (I did but maybe not enough)</p>
<p>Is there something you Regret doing/not doing, or something you Should have done?</p>
<p>Again, BEST LUCK TO ALL OF YOU FOR M9 & M10 :)</p>
<p>I regret the fact that I didn’t apply to more schools… I probably should have casted a wider net to schools like Hill,Peddie, and even a HADES school like Hotchkiss. But none the less I LOVE all three schools I applied to, and I am praying that they all accept me.</p>
<p>@EHSWFSMBURGHOPE Me too, and I chalk that up to my parents not wanting to go through the same process more than two times and not wanting to apply to any school that wasn’t a TSAO. If I don’t get in to any of the two schools I applied to, I’m stuck going to a school 40 minutes away for the next three years.</p>
<p>Not talking to the program head for music and the coach for basketball. Really should’ve done that.</p>
<p>I regret not submitting an art portfolio
and I shouldve put my main extracurricular on my app (school theatre production) because it is what took up 7+ hours everyday 6 days a week</p>
<p>I regret applying to so many schools (9). It would’ve been better if I focused on 4 or 5 schools and made my apps the best they could be.</p>
<p>Hopefully the admissions peeps will see past our mistakes for what we really are, and how badly we would like to attend their school(s)</p>
<p>Oh my pancakes, where should I start? I made countless mistakes!</p>
<p>Now I have a sudden craving for pancakes!</p>
<p>What do you guys think of all us CC-ers having an I-HOP day March 9th
We should all just go to I-HOP
the one in mordor
<p>Mordor, as in Sauron’s dwelling place in Tolkien’s works? </p>
<p>…my parents disapprove of me going to any restaurant with an inkling of artificial ingredients. :P</p>
<p>Yes, that is the very Mordor I speak of…</p>
<p>Aw darn it!</p>
<p>:) Maybe everyone can flock to their nearest, family-owned ice cream parlor, and order a scoop of homemade (chocolate) ice cream with an artfully arranged handful of organic peanuts!</p>
<p>^ We have one in our town. An ice cream shoppe, I mean.</p>
<p>That sounds fantastic! :)</p>
<p>Let’s all raid the ice cream stores! :D</p>
<p>@GoldenRatio “Oh my pancakes” hahahaha LOVE IT!</p>
<p>Im thinking… I’d prefer an “I-HOPE” TO GET INTO ANY SCHOOL :)</p>
<p>Not being more passionate during my interviews. I was “lame”</p>
<p>@GoldenRatio ICE CREAM TIME</p>
<p>^ I LOVE HER. hahaha :)</p>