i think im turning emo

<p>Bleh. No it's not. They're not emo, they're just scene bands that sing in whiny voices. Real emo is more underground stuff, it is emotional hardcore music. There are emo songs about NOT feeling bad for yourself and just moving on, or about not killing yourself.</p>

<p>I can't "define" emo but here is what I like:
city of caterpillar
sed non satiata
suis la lune
i'm sure I have others</p>

<p>as for hardcore, I prefer post-hardcore music like Envy and Trophy Scars</p>

<p>emo's are so cute</p>

<p>again there is no such thing as "an emo" its a type of music. And the style that people perceive is "emo" is actually "scene."</p>

<p>So don't argue about what kids at your school do, they are dumb ****s that don't know the first thing about music of any sorts. </p>

<p>And kudos to you fengshuibundi for that super post</p>

<p>ps - I would love to see this research paper as well.</p>

<p>flyinghigh89: are you male? because it seems like you lost your "cajones" somewhere before you decided to make this thread. seriously, you are worried about whethre someone sits next to you in class? are you 4 years old? perhaps you should locate some "GUTS" if you catch my drift</p>



<p>Because slang words can't change definitions over time...</p>


<p>oh come on, of course there are things such as "an emo". sure it started out as just a type of music but now there are some kids that are just undeniably emo. this is as useless as arguing over the definition of punk</p>

<p>i lost my cajones???
wat r u talkin about</p>

<p>sucks for u</p>

<p>alright dude, just chill man.</p>


<p>so what if people are jerks in class? u know what u do, u shut up and sit there and u take it. or u act like it doesnt affect u (I would go with the latter).</p>

<p>don't show people that ur life sucks, be full of energy. be funny, be sarcastic (but dont be a jerk), and importantly just relax. everyone has moments, u'll get over them.</p>

<p>becoming "emo" will not help. u need to chill and get a look at ur life. life is too short to be depressed all the time, be happy. :)</p>

<p>get a myspace emo ppl whore those</p>

<p>yo ns347 thnx a lot for the advice, its so true if u think about it.</p>