<p>^^ Sometimes, a bad social life can lead to worse things. It is probably the initial cause of a chain reaction. Obviously there are people suffering so much more, but everyone feels alone at one point...I would give her/him (sorry) a break. </p>
<p>Middle School: I was diagnosed with diabetes and 3 kids at my school committed suicide.
I've had the worst high school experience ever.
Frehsman year wasn't bad. Sophmore year my best friend became addicted to Meth and therefore became a terrible person. She would call me at 4am to ask for money. She got taken away from her home by child services because her mom did drugs too, and she moved away (think about how she feels). Another 3 girls committed suicide.
Junior year I was depressed and had nobody who really understood what was going on. However, everything became so much better when I reconnected with two girls from elementary school that are now my best friends. They are absolutely WONDERFUL and can understand anything and they have made my life 10x better.</p>
<p>My suggestion would be to shed all of the fake people around you, and find someone/some people who can get to know you. Don't worry about looks, smarts, or anything in that person...just find someone that can understand you. In my case, they were right underneath my nose the entire time. It'll pass...just don't do anything you will regret.</p>
<p>It probably sounds super dramatic. Everything seems really bad when you are going through it...but all you can do is take every situation and gradually become a better/stronger person.</p>
<p>My post sounded harsher than I meant it to. </p>
<p>If you are emo, you're social life will continue to go down hill, but if you hold your head up and try and find some genuine people, your social life WILL improve. I promise. </p>
<p>Yeah going "emo" isn't the best thing. It should makes itself worse. People go through struggles all the time, you just have to learn how to deal with them.</p>
i feel like i do ncare about anyhting at all.
<p>Then stop caring about friends! Become a recluse. It'll help your grades :)
I've wanted to turn recluse for quite some time. You know, not talk to people, just wrap myself in my own thoughts and online communities. That way I'd at least find myself, and probably become better at math. But then I'm always drawn back by the fact that I actually like the people around me and care about them and such.</p>
<p>You don't have to care about your friends, though. Like you say, they're asses anyway. Just don't ask or tell them anything, and they won't be able to hurt you.</p>
<p>it always seems like whnever i barely solve a prooblem and make things better a different but similar problem strikes and screws up things socially.</p>
<p>like out of the blues a friends act likes a jerk and insults me in classes and its so weird and i have that class everyday and it doesnt look like its gettin better.</p>
<p>thinks stink so bad right now what sould i do transfer out of that class or jus endure it for a year.</p>
<p>It's stupid to feel bad for yourself for prolonged periods of time. You'll end up regretting that you didn't do anything about it, and nothing is worse than regret. If you want a person to talk to about it all, IM/PM me or something. Heh, I'd promise full out honesty and as much rationality as I can muster.</p>
<p>There is no such thing as "being emo". Emo is a type of music and nothing else. And emo is not Fall out boy and Panic at the disco either. Emo stands for emotional hardcore underground bands. It is not about wearing tight shirts and girl pants at all and it definitely is not about feeling lonely. so stop being dumb ****s and get your facts straight before learning everything from what you see on MTV</p>
<p>I hate having to tell people that emo isn't Fall Out Boy... that it's like Anatomy of a Ghost or Sed non Satiata or City of Caterpillar or.... okay I'm going to stop I <3 my screamo</p>
well my friend is doing a research report on emo people. and the teacher's letting her do it. and when she's done, i will so post it on here to help all you emo's out.</p>