I wanna be a tar heel, baby

<p>out of state female
4.0, 1520 (760 ea.), 1st/~200
Taking no high school classes-27 hrs at nearby college</p>

<p>3 sport varsity athlete
Pres. of Spanish Club
Student Council
Youth Advisory Council
Beta Club & NHS</p>

<p>Summer/school yr work experience
Summer mission trip to Charleston
Weekly volunteering at B&G Club</p>

<p>Scholar athlete, coca-cola academic athlete, coach's award (soccer), co-captain (soccer), Spanish subject award, Balfour achievement award, UGA certificate of merit</p>

<p>How good are my chances at UNC-Chapel Hill? Do you think my admission will rely most heavily upon distinguishing myself through essays? And how good are my chances for a UGA honors scholarship (Ramsey, Foundation, ect.)?</p>

<p>Thanks! btw, anyone else a tar heel hopeful?</p>

<p>I'd say your chances look great. You're on par with anyone at any school basically. Are you playing sports in college?</p>

<p>intramurals, hopefully. Soccer and ULTIMATE FRISBEE! A name like that just needs to be capitalized.</p>

<p>hey awesome we are both applying to the same things. unc.and uga honors thing. haha good luck!!</p>

<p>I'm pretty sure you would get accepted if you applied to any University of North Carolina school.</p>

<p>Taking all your classes at a college is also good, it is becoming a huge trend for students that are accepted into ivy league schools. It shows they are prepared, and have experience. (along with book smarts ;))</p>

<p>I say you have a very good chance of being accepted into UNC. I go to UNC but I an in-state resident so that a whole different situation for me. But I know someone from South Carolina who had about the same SAT score and GPA as you. Maybe a little higher SAT. And he was accepted into UNC. But...his dad also attending UNC, which is a factor if your out of state. I think it is a rather big factor. But it looks as though your grades and SAT's good enough, you should get in.</p>

<p>We have similar stats. I have a 97% weighted (my school doesn't do GPA or ranking, but I'm in the top ten and I think I have about a 4.2 or so) and 1510 SAT (790 V 720 M). I'm applying to UNC and also to UGA Fellows (its in-state, too, so that's a plus). What other schools are you thinking about? I did EA to Tulane, Miami, UNC, and UGA and I'm doing RD to GWU, WUSTL, Yale, and Princeton.</p>

<p>your stats are great..I think you have a good chance..only drawback you are female</p>