I wanna quit cc and start uc as a freshman. is it possible?

<p>hey guys. i graduated from high school and im currently taking a few classes from a cc but i dont wanna go there anymore. so im planning to quit cc and take required tests like sat blabla and begin to uc as a freshman. is that possible? thanks :)</p>

<p>When did you graduate high school? Anyhow, I’m going to assume that you have to apply as a transfer, but don’t take my word.</p>

<p>You should probably spend some time in the UC website to see how they define freshman versus transfer applicants.</p>

<p>Do you intend to drop out before the term ends, or will you finish up this term? Both choices have different consequences. You need to sit down with the transfer counselor at your CCC so that you can talk about your options.</p>

<p>Definition from the UC Admissions website:

[University</a> of California - Transfer](<a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/transfer/index.html]University”>http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/transfer/index.html)</p>

<p>You are required to submit transcripts for all college work attempted, even if you do not like your grades or if you withdrew from classes. There is a National Clearinghouse for college enrollment information and, by applying to the UC, you give permission for them to search for all of your enrollments. You do not have the option of just not mentioning your cc enrollment.</p>

<p>You are a transfer applicant at the University of California. Most UC campuses (not UCB or UCLA) have Transfer Admission Guarantees for California Community College transfers, so you should visit your counselor to discuss those options.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>It’s too late to apply to a UC for this next fall, so you might as well continue at your CC for this semester and for next year.</p>

<p>alamemon beat me to what I was going to post. There is one thing I’d add. Assuming you were UC eligible when you graduated HS (which you’d have to be to apply as a freshman) some of the UC campuses will accept transfer students that have not completed the full 2 years at a CC. The policy varies by campus and by year, so you’d have to look at the admission policies of the UC campuses you are interested in.</p>

<p>I have warned several kids I know about the dangers of graduating from HS early and starting CC. If you are a HS graduate in California and have/are attending CC, you will NOT be a freshman, but a transfer student to a CSU/UC. Transfer students have to have earned at least 60 units to transfer and each school has different requirements of what those classes must be.
Your only option would be a private school as a transfer at this time.</p>

<p>im currently taking 2 classes and drop deadline is 1st of april for all of them. so i can either finish the semester or drop the classes if it matters :(</p>

<p>And your reason for not contacting the UCs to get a definite answer for thirteen days is…?</p>