I want to be a Hokie ?

<p>My freshman year was horrible ! I still have 3 years and i am already working on the SAT exam my goal is 2100.what should my overall GPA be to get in.</p>


<p>GPA is meaningless without context. I can easily tell you that the average GPA for the class of 2016 was 3.98. I can assure you that it’s going to go up each year. What I can’t tell you is what it’s going to take from your school. Some schools weight AP’s, some don’t. Some weight as much as 2.0, some as little as .5. Some schools offer 20+ AP classes, others may offer 5 or even no AP’s. Some schools have restrictions on only 1 AP your sophomore year and further restrictions Jr and Sr year, others have no restrictions and allow APs in the freshman year. </p>

<p>So you see a student in a school that offers 20+ AP’s that weights them 2.0 and has no restrictions from their freshman year who earns a 3.98 is vastly different from the student who went to a school that offered 3 APs but didn’t weight them at all, also earning a 3.98. Context is everything. How does admissions figure out the difference? Along with each transcript is sent a profile which explains the schools grading scale, weighting, number of APs offered, etc. It allows admissions to determine what that 3.98 really means.</p>

<p>Your best source of information is going to be your GC. They will know what successful candidates from your school have looked like regarding GPA, SATs/ACTs, course rigor, etc. VT admissions is also very regional within Virginia to maintain diversity. It is more competitive in NoVa then more rural areas for example. Keep in mind an upward trend is a great thing so you can turn things around! Best of luck!!</p>