Virginia Tech Admissions with bad gpa?

I totally screwed up freshman and sophmore year of high school and I currently have a 3.5 gpa. I had 3 C’s in the past, C + in ap world, C - in precalc honors last yr, and a C + in history honors freshman year. I’ve been dealing with depression and anxiety since last year but I understand that colleges don’t really care about my personal issues. I also know that last year and this year, the admissions have been a lot harder and I am from in-state but NOVA area where there is even more competition. If I do well this year, I could probably bring my GPA to 3.7~3.8 (3.9 or beyond that is possible but I doubt I can do that well this year) and I am planning on bringing my SAT up to 1400’s if possible. I have taken 2 Ap’s last year, taking 3 this year, planning on taking 4 or more next year. I have been taking orchestra for 3 years, planning on continuing next year, art as my other elective, 3 years of spanish, have gotten 2 years worth credit for my second language, I have a couple extra curriculars, I am a president of key club, NHS, CSHS, etc and I have a part time job as well. I’m very hopeless and regretful of the past and I’m wondering if I should just give up trying to get into this school. Please let me know if there’s anything else I could do to improve my chances or if I should just focus into other schools that are more of my range. Thank you in advance.

I forgot to add that I did cheerleading one year of high school but I am not planning on doing it again

You can still get in. Do your best to ace this year and get that SAT as high as possible. They do Superscore so you can focus on one section each time as well.

If you can get that GPA up to 3.8 with good SAT you should be ok. Good luck in rest of your junior year and stay positive.

Note: This is for regular studies - you wouldn’t get in engineering.

my gpa was weighted btw my unweighted should be very low…

With a good SAT a weighted 3.8 and admitted is possible.

Anything is possible with admissions. Please have many other backup options too though as there are NO guarantees for anyone during this process. Do your best, apply and then get excited about the actual offers received.