<p>Naturally, you got it right. Guilt, guilt , guilt is one major problem for me. I sometimes feel so guilty of failing so many times that it discourages me from moving forward. Guilt gives me a feeling that nothing I do will outdo my past failures.</p>
<p>Updates for everyone:</p>
<p>First of all I want to thank you for your great advise. </p>
<p>I met with an academic adviser today. Below are the outcomes of the meeting:</p>
<p>1- I am academically capable, I just need to focus on managing my time.</p>
<p>2- I am not on Academic probation and I passed all of my classes for last semester.</p>
<p>2- I am in good standing financially, so my aid money</p>
<p>3- I need to come this Monday to register for classes in the morning, then we will meet to talk about time management.</p>
<p>4- He will do time management workshops on campus this fall, and I will happily attend all of them. </p>
<p>5- I proposed to buy my books next week once I register, so I can start reading my materials early and have a head start on everything.</p>
<p>6- Seek help if I feel like at the end of the semester everything is crumbling on me.</p>
<p>7- I am feeling better because he said that I can bring my GPA up to a 3.5 or even a 4.0 if I do well next semester.</p>
<p>8- I want to thank all of you again for your support.</p>
<p>Outside of school:</p>
<p>I have been doing an internship in my field of study this summer. The boss says that he will hire me after graduation because I do a good job. I will take everything one step at a time and make the best out of what I have.</p>