<p>-Looking for some advice here because I have nowhere to turn and no one to talk to.
<p>I found myself into an unpleasant situation where I was unhappy in my university and wanted to transfer out. I disliked the academic program, felt out of place on that campus even though I admire the fantastic people {teachers, students and maintenance staffs}. Some of the lads love the school but it was not the ideal for me. </p>
<p>I did not transfer out because transfer students barely receive financial aid from other schools and because my parents would not understand and would be mad at me. After an excellent freshman year with a 3.9/4.0 GPA, I had a premonition that I would fail my next semester if I had return to my current school.</p>
<p>Not only did I fail the next semester, I fail every semester that came followed. Midterm would be 4.0 GPA but I ended up blowing off at the end of each semester. Major’s GPA remained a weak 3.0.</p>
<p>Why do I fail?
1- I responded to my situation in a childish way</p>
<p>2- Registrations are after midterms. During registrations, my adviser goes through my
transcripts with me. My past failures discourage me from successfully keeping my 4.0 midterm GPA because I have too much remorse, too much regrets. Regretting the failure and staying at a school where I was unhappy.</p>
<p>3- Discipline: I lost my focus very often. I fail at managing my time well. When the end semester approaches, too little, too late. I am late with my assignments and get failing grades.</p>
<p>Now that it is time to do internship and get ready for employments. Most companies ask for a copy of the transcript. Grad school is out of the horizon (at least not now with that bad transcript).</p>
<p>I got tired of parading around a transcript whose grades reflect more my time management than my academic aptitude. I have been forgiven twice for my repetitive failures; I don’t even want to have a talk with my adviser about what to do next because I am tired of explaining why I fail and begging for forgiveness. </p>
<p>They are going to cut all my financial aid anyway and since I have always wanted to leave that school, I asked myself one day: Why don’t you leave now? Take a semester off, get a job, set yourself straight then when you are ready, transfer to a school that you would like ( visited it before) and continue from there? A new environment. </p>
<p>I also got tired of forcing myself to continue just to please my parents. I got fed up of ruining my academic reputation for the sake of my family. I have already told my parents that I will lose my aid; in consequence I will leave school but will come back when I am ready.</p>
<p>That’s my rant for now. I have two choices if I withdrew. Get a job for 6 months or go abroad to Bolivia and live there for 6 months with a religious community and do volunteer services.</p>