I was rejected from NU; here's how I feel

As the title says, I was rejected from Northeastern, just like many other qualified applicants, and I really wanted to write this message to everyone who may be feeling discouraged, because I know I was.
I know it’s easy to lose hope; when you get rejected from a college, the fear that you won’t get into anywhere else you applied strikes you. Hard. But this is not the end of the road; there is something even bigger in store for you and, as cliche as it sounds, you will do GREAT things wherever you go. I know that people say that so much that it’s lost all meaning, but really think about those seven words: you. will. do. great. wherever. you. go.
Do not let this invalidate three three years+ of hard work that you put in. All of your hard work throughout high school is still going to lead to an acceptance to a great university.
Basically, just remember that if something didn’t happen, it’s because it wasn’t supposed to.

Best of luck on the rest of your journey, this acceptance season and beyond. For some schools, I’ll be honest, the odds are low; but may they be ever in your favor.

In case anyone is wondering, here are some of my stats:

  • Native American female
  • submitted ACT - 30 Composite: 35 E, 31 R, 26 M, 29 S
  • 4.0 UW GPA, 4.3 W; all honors classes and AP English Language (5) because that was all my school offered
  • transferred schools midway through my junior year, due to my former school closing because of low enrollment
  • senior year courses: Hon CompSci, AP Macro/Micro Econ, AP English, AP Spanish Language, AP Statistics, AP Psychology, and Forensic Science - received all As and two Bs for midyear report
  • Model UN (many awards, Secretary General junior year), Cappies Theater Critic Team (published critic), Spanish Honors Society, National Honors Society, NSHSS, Math Honors Society, International Thespian Society (held position as historian), created a curriculum for ESL classes for Spanish-speaking members in my community and taught them, theater, and probably more I can’t remember right now lol

I really needed this. NEU was my dream school and to get rejected hurt. I still have other options and other acceptances but it’s depressing.

My stats:

White lower middle class female from mid-atlantic
cyber schooled
1320 SAT- 730RW 590M (this was probably my downfall with them)
3.9 W GPA/does not report UW
numerous honors, 4 APs total throughout HS (Did not take exams)
senior year: precalc, AP english, AP Psych, astronomy, physics, sign language II, conservatory (internship), finance class
job shadow at engineering/architecture firm, 2nd place in architecture competition (Schoolwide), internship, over 200 hours at my local public library, was a script supervisor on a local film production, guitar for 6+ years of my life, community orchestra (leadership position), french honor society, national honor society, film club, school paper, tutor, and a bunch of other stuff i can’t remember. my ECs were very limited because my public school doesn’t let home or cyber schoolers participate in things like plays, band, etc and my cyber school does not have a lot of typical highschool activities. i feel like that partially ruined me also.

Here’s the mantra we gave our daughter after she was rejected from her then-top- choice:

You will bloom where you’re planted. If you didn’t get into a particular school, it’s because no matter how you felt otherwise, it simply wasn’t the place you were meant to go.

Don’t let this rejection of your application— not you, but your application— make you feel badly about yourself. Enjoy one day of ice cream therapy, then look at the choices that remain