<p>...to say that we should all be proud of ourselves for getting into schools such as UCLA or CAL. Think about how much you've accomplished from the time you completed high school to the present. Everyone should gives themselves a pat on the back. By going to a JC to complete 2 years of GED courses we have proven to ourselves, as well as others, that we are just as capable of getting into a Top 25 university as they are. True, for some of us, that not getting into these schools straight out of high school may not make us equal, but we still have the intelligence to compete with them. Personally, I feel like I've accomplished so much in these past 2 years. I pray for all of us that this trend in motivation and dedication to our goals continues even when we are well into our careers. So the next question lies, "what is your next goal?" Boalt Hall School of Law, here I come!!!</p>
<p>It cooler when you go straight out of high school.</p>
<p>The GE classes at my CCC is a joke.</p>
<p>i didn't think about college until 12th grade, 11/30/03 when i thought of how i could have done better</p>