i would love a chance

<p>yo, so i think the U is awesome... but honestly dont know if ill get in. just tell me to ease the pain if i dont or let me know if its possible.</p>

<p>Applying as a music management and entertainment industries.
gpa: 3.6 unweighted</p>

<p>sat critical reading: 590
sat math: 590
reading: 640</p>

<p>Good essay and recs </p>

<p>EC: concert and chamber audition choir; guitar 7 years, ukulele 2 years; multiple bands and have competed in battle of the bands more than once; varsity football 2nd team all league; drama- two school plays; rugby 3 years; prefect in my high school dorm</p>

<p>Language: spanish 3 years; Zulu 2 years</p>

<p>Community Service: Student Ambassador; lots of work in poverty stricken africa.</p>

<p>Oh ya im a white guy from california, but i lived in south africa for 3 years, so that makes a good story.</p>

<p>AP Music Theory; AP Human Geo</p>

<p>I dont have best test scores or academic rigour but i hope to play up my music background to help me get in for my major.</p>

<p>Let me know, be honest. Go Canes!</p>

<p>Colleges like diversity so if you present yourself right in your application, such as your personal statements and present an upward grade trend, pulling your GPA higher than there’s a chance for you. You’re SATs are kinda low for Miami, but I’ve seen kids get in with around that after they’ve been deferred from EA->RD and then waitlisted and then accepted in April-May.</p>

<p>Best of luck.</p>

<p>Did you have to audition for the music management major?</p>

<p>no audition for that.</p>


<p>On the borderline…EA would have been better, but I say give it a shot.</p>

<p>Miami does have club rugby…</p>

<p>ya should have done EA. Might as well try though</p>