IB Junior Year Selection

I’m a current IB sophomore that is very interested in pursing a global public health and medical career. My current course selection for next year is as follows:

HL History
HL English
SL Math
HL Bio
HL Spanish
SL Chemistry
Symphonic Band

My school does not offer IB or AP Physics but I have already taken the Honors Physics course.
I understand the advantages of being well-prepared for pre-med in college by doubling up on a science, especially if you want to apply to top tier universities (Stanford, Duke or Hopkins are my top reaches). However, I have had a passion for visual arts all my life and highly doubt I will have time for it in college. Would it look bad to sacrifice two sciences to have both arts and band in my schedule? If I were to choose only one science, what would be recommended for better preparation in college?

Thank you for your time

I’ve heard IB Visual Arts and Design can seriously be a drag (although this is only from my school experiences, obviously it may differ with yours), so if you want to pursue your interest in visual arts, it might be a good idea to look outside of school. Enter contests, take classes, whatever you feel like doing.

That being said, four HLs isn’t something you should take lightly, especially double sciences. Make sure you’re completely ready for the workload that your schedule could thrust upon you.

But remember to take everything with a grain of salt. If your interest in art far outweighs your interest for science, choose the one you think will be more enjoyable to you. Being impressive to college admissions should be the byproduct of your busy schedule, not the reason behind it IMO.

Also, out of curiosity, are there any colleges you’re considering/aiming for?

Thank you so much for your response and advice!
My top reaches are Stanford, Duke and Hopkins but I am also going to be applying to UVA in-state. Is there anything else in particular I should keep in mind for applying to schools of that caliber?

NoVA I’m guessing :slight_smile:

As far as your schedule, you’re pretty much set as long as you keep up your grades (but that goes without saying). Are you planning on pursuing visual art/band in addition to public health in college?

Also, make sure you look into accepted credits from IB. Duke, for instance, accepts credit on a 6 or 7 in all subjects, while Stanford accepts a 5 or higher in select subjects. Remember at most of these universities, credit will only be accepted in HL courses.

Check out each college’s student affairs website for more relevant information about credits. Again, everything varies by college.

I would like to minor in music as I am also interested in music therapy (I have a lot interests haha). Visual arts is one of my favorite hobbies, and I would consider Duke’s certificate in Animation but other than that I don’t see myself studying it that intensely in college. It’s more of a relaxing outlet for me while music is more intense.

Would it be feasible to take SL Chem as my science class and self study AP Bio?

Again, thanks for your insight, I appreciate it a lot! :slight_smile:

That sounds like a somewhat more feasible idea. However, self study is an entirely different beast and requires a lot of discipline and motivation (or someone willing to stay on top of you to make sure you’re completing your work). Be sure you’re up to it but it sounds like you are from your course load.

Good luck with the diploma (if you are a candidate) and with your AP course!