Is my schedule rigorous enough for an IB Junior?

Hello, I am an incoming IB Junior with mostly straight As (I have only gotten 1 “B” semester grade in my entire school career) and I don’t know if my schedule is rigorous enough for Junior year? I have an easy art class, as well as IB Film which might be looked upon as “for slackers” or such.

My Classes:
IB Theory of Knowledge
IB Film Studies
Digital Art
IB Mandarin Chinese
AP Calculus
IB Biology 1
AP English Composition (Lang)
AP U.S. History

Thank you. Please reply quickly if you can because I would like to know your opinions before school begins!

What is your testing plan for the IBD? That is the best way to plan - having a two year plan for the diploma. I assume the not IB classes are the ones you’ll do HL in next year?

Too many non IB classes.

Will you take IB HL Math, IB History of the Americas, and IB English in senior year? If so, it works.

Many of the AP classes are part of the IB course progression. At my school, I am required to HL in IB Film (which I chose as my 6th subject), English, and I can freely choose the third HL.

I think you are fine.

It’s actually very rigorous.

What do you mean by “rigorous enough”. Rigorous enough for what?

Rigourous in terms of what colleges want to see for my junior year class schedule.

That depends largely on what colleges you’re applying to and what major(s) you’re applying for. For example, some colleges require you to take a year of art, so there wouldn’t be anything wrong with taking film (not that there’s anything wrong with taking film anyway). If you’re taking AP Calculus this coming year because you plan to take HL Math your senior year, that’s great, but it’s pretty unnecessary unless you plan to major in engineering or some other math-heavy major.

I want to go into a STEM major, maybe engineering. I want to get into UF at least. I already took a year of art, so maybe I shouldn’t take both Digital Art and IB Film??

You should take whatever interests you, really. You seem to be on the right track for a STEM major, but if art interests you, go for it! If film interests you, especially go for it since it’s an IB class!! The only class on your schedule that I would be even remotely “worried” about is digital art, since it can bring down your weighted GPA, but your schedule as a whole is rigorous enough to impress colleges.

Digital Art is weighted; I only take weighted classes because I gotta keep that GPA up haha! Maybe I should switch Digital Art for an easy AP like Environmental Science, which may look better to colleges? Anyways, thanks for replying again!!