IB score 25 points, did not get the diploma

hello, i have an admission from a university in US, however i did not get the diploma as i did not score 12 in the 3 HL. will the university revoke admission? the school does not have any other certification, only IB.

Also to add I am an international student .I am so worried, please help.

What was your predicted score?
What EXACT scores did you get (indicate subject, HL/SL, score).
Will your country consider you graduated high school?
You need to call Admissions asap and let them know you got a score of 25 (above the minimum of 24) but did not score 12 in HLs and therefore did not get the IB Diploma.

How can we help you? It’s not up to us. You need to get in touch with Admissions. They can tell you where you stand and what your options are.

IN GENERAL, US universities admit by SAT/ACT and Grade Point Average…not by how you do on AP tests/IB tests. You won’t get college credit for your IB tests.
But you do need to have graduated HS.
But specifically talk to the admissions people …that is what they are there for.

@kunsho: what happened?

Agree that you need to reach out to the college immediately. You effectively have no high school diploma. They may put your mind at ease by telling you it doesn’t matter. But if there is something they want you to do (like take another class), every day that passes could make that very hard to do.

Also, if your college requires that you have the diploma, talk to your IB coordinator. If one of your HL scores was close to a cutoff, it could make sense for you to ask to have your exam(s) rescored.

Does the OP have no Diploma or no IB Diploma?