<p>I've applied and am waiting to hear back from some schools, but a friend and I were talking today about how she had a student ID (or some form of ID number) but has yet to receive word from her school of choice, and it made me curious since I have noticed this with two of my applications as well.</p>
<p>Has anyone else noticed anything similar? I'm curious as to whether or not it's a sign if you've been admitted or not, as the college I had been attending only gave an ID out AFTER you were accepted.</p>
<p>Many schools give out application ID numbers to better keep track of the applicants and their files… perhaps that is what you’re talking about? </p>
<p>If you’re talking about admissions for the college class of 2015, it is very, very unlikely that you’ve been accepted, since the admission process hasn’t begun yet :). (Sorry.)</p>
<p>That’s what I was thinking, but one of mine actually says student ID rather than application ID.</p>
<p>And it’s for a transfer, so within the next few weeks I should hear back because it’s for the upcoming fall semester.
I was just curious.</p>
<p>Aha, gotcha. Good luck!</p>