<p>Everything's in the title.</p>
<p>any good idea is worth a shot...alot of people made millions off ideas they came up with while sitting on the toilet. Unfortunately, I'm not one of those people :(</p>
<p>Legally or illegally. Legally come up with a medical device that will save millions. Illegally, sell large amounts of cocaine.</p>
<p>Politics. Then people will give you money and all you have to do is support their little bit of legislation..... Easy, relatively harmless and at least half the country will swear up and down you are the greatest thing ever to happen to this country and accuse the other side of coddeling the ememy. You'll also have a great retirement plan unmatched anywhere else.</p>
<p>Come up with useless **** like "Jenny Has Two Mommies" or the Southbeach Diet...</p>
<p>I'd go with selling drugs, pirated cds/dvds, and starting several fight clubs.</p>
<p>or just rob a bank...or banks.</p>
<p>Or college porn to pay tuition...</p>
<p>if you want to something legal, then try the stock market. I'd never do it myself though..it fluctuates too much and it's too unpredictable.</p>
<p>get dave ramsey's books and you will be leagally rich. start at any age, the younger the better of course. don't get sucked into the new car trap!</p>
<p>sorry for 'leagally' i know how to spell most of the time!</p>
<p>The stock martet is my best shot. I'm a French economics major, soon to be reoriented to int'l business/finance. What are these Ramsey's books you're talking about. I heard the "how to make money" guidebooks were not liable.</p>
<p>dave ramsey ( he's on the web) tries to encourage people to live within thier means and gives them tools to reach their goals by getting money sensibly and not with get rich quick schemes. he is particularly interesting when he discusses cars and the new car trap folks get thmselves into. he gives you a plan so you can start out with a modest car and in a number of years ( depending on income level, etc) you can work your way up to buying cars with cash. his books ( the total money makeover is the one i enjoy) are real eye openers. also he has a free podcast every day and also can be found on 300 ( about) radio channels as well as satellite radio. just go to daveramsey.com to find out more . he and jay mathews (wash post ed writer) really changed the way i live my life and educate my kids. no harm in checking it out at least!! by the way i am a married with 2 kids health care worker who has no affiliation with any of the above people or institutions...</p>