IDOC required document and processing mess?


We have submitted our efile document couple weeks ago. However, IDOC still shows that we need to submit the ‘Required Document.’ Also, we just received an email today asking us to submit the required document.

What they are looking for exactly?

Also, do we need to submit anything under the ‘Owner-Student’ part? My child does not have any income. Per their statement: ‘If you did not receive a 1099, you are not required to submit one or any other documentation.’
We are really confused and concerned about the whole process.

Hope someone can shed some lights on this. Thanks a lot!

Just ignore the reminder email which CB mistakenly sent out. If you have submitted the required document, you probably have received another email from College Board around 5:00pm today with heading: “We apologize-IDOC reminder email”.

@buttercreamlilac‌ you may receive another mail with Apologies from CB. They sent out such mails and an apology mail later. If you have submitted once, don’t send again. They get more confused than us if they see the documents twice.