If you do not get into NYU?

<p>If you do not get into NYU what is your back up school and how will you react?</p>

<p>well, i would prolly be sad and ****ed for a time... then.. i guess deal with it and accept it. :)</p>

<p>if NYU doesnt accept me, i hope Fordham does.. :) or Columbia GS (hey..who knows? lol)</p>

<p>I won't go to college. </p>

<p>just kidding.... sort of.</p>

<p>i feel the same way hannahtastic</p>

<p>i will feel lost if i dont make it to nyu</p>

<p>Yeah same here! If I do not get in I will cry for like a week. My backup school is Boston University.</p>

<p>yeah i was lying...id be devastated.. nyahahahaha.. id prolly wander the city in the cold... and people will think im a bum.. sit by the subway platform and find that people are giving me change already! nyahahahaha</p>


<p>Yea, well like life will go on. I used to worry about it, but the more I think about it I the more I think I can make the most of it wherever I end up going.</p>

<p>As of yet, NYU is my #2 but my #1 USC is way-reach so if I'm rejected from both I'll prob be going to Emerson for the same program (writing for film & television) but my back-up is Boston University.</p>

<p>It's nice to know I'm not the only one applying to Boston University and NYU. :D</p>

<p>Thankfully, I've already gotten into a couple of other schools, so if I miss out on NYU, I may cry and I'll probably have to auction off the hoodie I bought from them, but life will go on.</p>

<p>apparently BU is the NYU reject school... i'm applying there as well</p>

<p>drexel is my backup. and if that fails, cu boulder. i would cry a lot, but hands down, i wouldn't give up or whine about it because i know that i would transfer in as soon as possible. NYU is extremely easier to get into transfer than freshman, and i wouldn't let a denied freshman admission kill my hopes for ever attending NYU and living in NYC. i know i belong in NYC. =)</p>

<p>No mail this week... I think I got rejected... sigh</p>

<p>I'm another NYU hopeful that will probably end up at BU if rejected. Either BU or Syracuse.</p>

<p>Some of you guys seem uber NYU focused...why didn't you apply ED? Kinda curious. The article listed below on another post said NYU had 9% more applications than last year (all schools went up some but that's insane) BUUUT the number of kids applying ED was the same as last year. So funny how people think along the same lines, my second choice was Wisconsin, Michigan, Tulane, Emerson, B-U, or Syracuse</p>

<p>I didn't apply ED because I wasn't sure at that point that I wanted to go to NYU. And I want to be able to review financial aid offers and THEN make a decision.</p>

<p>believe me, not applying ED is my biggest regret of my college admissions process. i was in the mindset that having my first marking period grades for senior year on my transcript would give me some sort of leg up, but then i got senioritis really bad, and blah, i know in my heart that NYU is the school for me. if i could go back in time, i would apply ED in a heartbeat, but alas, i just have to wait and hope for the best as a RDer. le sigh. :(</p>

<p>im gonna apply ed for sterns next year</p>

<p>Applying anywhere ED would have put me at a severe disadvantage financial-aid wise. My mom makes just over $40,000 a year and the cost of living where I reside is kinda steep- I know I don't have much to complain about for day-to-day living, and we get by fine, but it's not like there's loads of money left over for tuition. I couldn't take the gamble that NYU (or anywhere else) would let me in, but completely screw me over on financial aid.</p>

<p>if I don't get into NYU, I'll probably be upset for like an hour. Then I'll get over it and happily go to my state school (university of south carolina). I used to be terrified of getting rejected, but now I realize that not getting into NYU, or any top school, isn't the end of the world.</p>