If you had been accepted to UW from high school, is it easier to transfer in?


<p>When I was in high school, I was accepted to UW, but I turned it down to attend another institution. So I was wondering if they already perhaps have me on file, and thus whether or not it's easier to get into UW as a transfer since I had been accepted previously. Also, I've already transferred from my original school (since it was far from home), and am now looking to transfer again, so will it look bad since I've already transferred once?</p>


<p>i have the same type of concern. i was admitted fall 08 and i did not attend, i want t trasnfer in during fall 09 for the same reasons, i am too far from home! does it help that u were already accepted once? also, are u still in state if ur parents live there?</p>

i am impatient!</p>

<p>sarah…I think you would still be considered in state if your parents are still paying for college.</p>

<p>cream&sarah…not absolutely sure about this but about 3 years ago I heard of a couple of students from my school that transferred back to UW soph year after turning down an acceptance frosh year (both were too far from home). This was just word of mouth so I can’t confirm for you but better than nothing I guess.</p>

<p>UW generally accepts people from community colleges then from other 4 year institutes if that is what you are still at. In other words you are behind that of CC students because you are already in 4 year while they are not. This is what I was told by a admissions person when I wanted to switch from the Tacoma campus up to Seattle, and another person who wanted to switch from Western to Seattle Campus.</p>