If you take an ACT test, do you have to report?

<p>if i dont do well on an ACT test can i hide it? will it automatically be sent to colleges?</p>

<p>It is only sent if you request it to be sent.</p>

<p>You have two different questions. ACT will send only score you request sent. You can request when applying for the test by listing colleges to receive score and then it will automatically be sent to those colleges listed, but you do not have to list any colleges and can wait to order sending after you get the score (in which case you pay an extra fee). Another way colleges may learn of the score is if your high school is one of those which puts all your scores on your official high school transcript so you need to check into that, and even if your school does you may be able to request it do otherwise.</p>

<p>The different question is whether you are required to reveal it to a college. As a result of the SAT going to score choice (where you can pick scores sent; they use to just send all whenever they sent any), a number of colleges announced that they will require the applicant to submit all scores and some of those have also mentioned that will also apply to any ACT scores you have. In other words if the school to which you are applying requires you to submit all scores, you must then provide them to avoid having a misrepresentation in your application.</p>

<p>ok lets say i apply ED to a school that require all test scores and i take an ACT after i submitted my ED application because the ACT is required for a school i would apply to for RD
do i need to report my act score to the schol i applied under ED?</p>

<p>At this point that is an unknown and will depend on what they actually say you must do in their application materials. I would guess, and this is only a guess, that once you have submitted everything required for an admission decision that you will not be required to submit new test scores taken after you have already submitted everything required.</p>