if you took or taking Pre-cal, i got questions (NOT homework related)

<p>what was the first topic you did in pre-cal 1st semester?</p>

<p>Btw, how is pre-cal in your school? two semesters or one semester?</p>

<p>i'm just wondering....</p>

<p>one semester. but we also cover calc in 1 semester (along w/ calc II, MV, complex, college geometry, and every other math class we offer)</p>

<p>and i don’t remember the first topic we covered, sorry. that was a year and a half ago.</p>

<p>The first unit we did was a review of Algebra II w/ Trig. concepts. Our first actualy Precalculus unit was about sine, cosine, and tangent properties if I remember correctly.</p>

<p>One semester. And we did … I actually don’t remember.</p>

<p>First topic was limits and derivatives.</p>

<p>Ours is year long but we run an A/B day schedule.</p>

<p>I never understand why people don’t just skip Precal and go straight to Calc from Algebra II…</p>

<p>That is, assuming your Algebra II course covered a trig unit.</p>

<p>^our first 2 1/2 MPs were a review of everything i knew from last year. totally pointless…</p>

<p>Pre-Calculus at my school is a whole year. First topic I think was somewhere at the beginning of the book.</p>

<p>no, i mean it is for us too. it’s just that we got a huge review of last year, so now i can’t even differentiate between the 2 topics, lmao.</p>

<p>Ours is two semesters. We reviewed Algebra II, then moved on to Functions, Graphs, and Domain and Range (of course, a step up from Algebra II).</p>

<p>First we reviewed Algebra 2. The first chapter consisted of writing/graphing equations of lines and circles and whatnot then chapter 2 was about functions, graphing them, piecewise functions and that stuff. Chapter 3 was all about polynomial functions and finding the asymptotes of functions, etc. Chapter 4 was logs and composite functions and then we started getting into new stuff with growth/decay and interest problems (I have the book right in front of me).</p>

<p>^ same. & two semesters</p>

<p>its two semesters</p>

<p>2 semesters, first topic was functions.</p>

<p>2 semesters, second semester might as wel be trig.</p>

<p>First topic was review, and we did functions for about 4 months.</p>

<p>It’s basically algebra 2 all over again. We’re graphing rational functions right now.</p>