Ignatian Full Tuition Scholarship?

I spoke with Admission and they send they will probably will be sending invitations next week. Congrats to your daughter. How much is her scholarship ?

My D19 just got an email to compete for the Ignatian Scholarship. I am hoping but not holding my breath. Those who interview have about a 2-3% chance of getting it. Very long odds.

My daughter has just received it as well. You are right. Chances are slim. 10 people get it out of about 500 or so that apply

Is anyone going for Ignatian interview in March ?

We are planning to go for the Ignatian interview, however I have explained the very long odds to my D. Good luck to all applying for this.

Hi, my daughter will be interviewing for the Ignatian Scholarship too. Good luck to everyone! This would be amazing!

Can you give us some tips? My son is a candidate and his interview is in a week. What made you stand out? Your grades, test scores , interview ? How do you think you won? My son really wants to go to Loyola but cannot attend without it.

Yes my son is going! I would love to know how many are interviewing and what their backgrounds are.

Good luck to those interviewing this week. D19 will be visiting campus and interviewing on Friday for the Ignatian opportunity. Any tips or suggestions

My daughter will be there as well! Regardless of whether she receives the scholarship, I’m glad we have the opportunity to see campus one more time to help her make a decision. Good luck to everyone interviewing!

For future admits, I highly recommend going to Loyola Weekend! We did an official visit several years ago but this was a more in-debt visit. My son and I had to fly out last night but really enjoyed visiting on Friday and Sat
the visit was really informative. The admissions faculty were great and the students were so helpful when we asked about the school. My son has decided not to join the Interdisciplinary Honors Program after talking with students and learning more about the requirements (isn’t a good fit for him). We rode the L many times and it is a great way to get around since they have a stop at Loyola
plus knowing a shuttle dedicated to only Loyola students to/from the Lakeshore Campus and Water Tower campus is reassuring. For those interested about the scholarship, my son said his interview was laid back and more of a conversation about him. I’d recommend getting there at least 30min before your interview time because there will be a line to check in. Good luck to everyone who interviewed!

May I ask what some of the reasons or downsides to not joining the Honors Program? I can imagine getting a current students perspective is really helpful. We are trying to decide.

May I ask what some of the reasons or downsides to not joining the Honors Program? I can imagine getting a current students perspective is really helpful. We are trying to decide.

@kuergen My son has always taken honors or AP classes in hs whenever they were available, so it seemed like a no brainer to join the Interdisciplinary Honors Program (he applied as a Biology major). However, we learned during our visit that he would have to take an additional 20ish-30ish units (can’t remember exact amount) and after reading up on the course descriptions for the required honors courses (available on Loyola’s Website), he was concerned with the amount of writing required
especially since writing is not his strength. He has been advised to maintain a high gpa if he wants to pursue med school and was told classes will be challenging enough for biology majors. He also wants to enjoy the whole college experience with research, internships, intramural sports, clubs, and study abroad programs and feels like he’ll have a little more free time if he doesn’t join. We were told it wouldn’t make a difference whether or not he was in the honors program when he applies for med school. Some benefits if you do join are priority registration and dorming with other honors students. It sounds like a great program
just not the right fit for my son. Hope that helps!

Hello! I was going to make a separate thread, but I see this one is active. I know they told us we would find out this week about the scholarship, but the flyer they sent out originally said the week of April 15th. I’m just hoping someone will post if they received any news (good/bad) because I don’t want to wait for an answer that will never come. If anyone is comfortable sharing when they hear back, please do, it’ll be greatly appreciated! Good luck to you all (:

Thank you, LH2023. Your detailed reponse is very helpful and kind of you!

My son interviewed and he was told that they hoped to let people know by April 8th

@TheUniballer thank you! I honestly have no clue since they gave us so many different dates. Hopefully someone who wins it will post on here so we know when they are released (:

@nmb046 From perusing past years’ results it appears that everyone is contacted–recipients first by phone (then follow up email) and non-recipients afterwards, solely by email.

Good luck to all who interviewed! Its a great school and an amazing opportunity for the chosen students.

I called the admission office and they stated that results of the interview will come out the week of the 17th. Has anyone heard any other information?