Ignatian Full Tuition Scholarship?

Welp. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’m reading a few days late but as I scrolled through I thought “Um, they won’t be releasing anything on Good Friday.” And not on Monday either (unless it is set for an automatic release during a time you won’t be able to reach anyone at the school). Bummer.

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I guess I am just assuming that they called the recipients and no news is bad news at this point?

The calendar is one thing you have to get used to at a Catholic university. It may be their goal to ‘always’ have the scholarship announcements out on April 15, but if that falls on Easter weekend, as it did this year, everything gets delayed (or advanced, if they can do that). My niece went to a catholic school and sometimes they’d have spring break but then have Easter weekend 2 weeks later but sometimes it was 4 weeks later.

It’s great if you are a student and just need one more long weekend to get a project done, but hard on the high school students waiting for admission or scholarship information.

It is just odd because my daughter called and they told her by 4/15. Oh well, we will just have to wait and see.

We were told that all applicants would be notified either way, so I don’t think ‘no news’ is necessarily bad news. Maybe decisions were just delayed for some reason?


I asked on the zeemee app that connects students with other prospective students, as well as college officials, and I was told by someone from the admissions department that we would be notified by Monday April 18th and recipients will be called, everyone else will be emailed.


If anyone gets any info today, please share it with the group. Best of luck to all of your students!


My daughter received an email notification that she did not receive the Ignatian. She was so relieved because she attended an admitted-student event at another school on Saturday and fell in love. It’s a much better fit for her overall than Loyola, so she’s happy not to have to turn them down (Michigan State U Honors College & Direct-Admit Nursing).

Hope all your kids are happy with their outcome, one way or the other!


I just got my rejection email. Very disappointing but I’m relieved to have an answer nonetheless. Congrats to those that got it!

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got rejected as well. loyola was my top choice and this was kind of my only chance to go :walking_man:… congrats to everyone that got it tho haha


Rejection here too which is ok, not my kids top choice, but still a little bummer. I hope someone here won this lottery!


Another rejection. Good luck to those who received it!

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My daughter did not get it either. Oh well, makes her decision process a bit easier. :slight_smile: