Ignatian Full Tuition Scholarship?

I just got a call from the admissions office saying that I am one of the recipients of the scholarship. Not sure if there is a specific order in which they are informing, but if it’s alphabetical I have a B last name. I am thrilled, and beyond surprised. Congratulations to recipients and applicants alike, and good luck to everyone in their college journeys!! :slight_smile:

No call here, so I assume that’s a no :neutral: My daughter will be relieved because she really wanted another school anyway, but there’s no way we could turn down a full tuition scholarship

Congrats to those who got it!

Congratulations @caitlinbarryyy ! We are still waiting to hear…

Looks like this thread hasn’t seen any activity for the last couple years. Did anyone else apply for the Ignatian scholarship? Are you also waiting impatiently to hear about invitations to interview? :wink: Obviously the deadline to apply isn’t until 3/4, so it will probably be a few weeks before candidates are invited.

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I am planning to submit the essay soon. Is the next stage an interview?

I’m already in at Berkeley, Georgetown, and Notre Dame, but this scholarship would be awesome.

Did you get an email today about an interview?

Yep, sort of hate that they’re interviewing everyone. Feels like a recruiting strategy just to get students to attend Loyola Weekend, rather than a legitimate chance of a full-tuition scholarship.

Completely agree, but also maybe that means they’ll need to give extra merit to recruit.

Any word on when they will let students know about Ignatian Scholarship? My daughter interviewed but was not given a day that they will hear back.

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My daughter asked her Loyola admissions counselor on Tuesday. This was her response:

Thank you for your message! In the case of both awards, decisions will be finalized in April and all applicants will hear back about their award status (whether they received it or not). I don’t have an official date to provide you, but it will definitely be this month prior to the May 1 deadline.

Not at all what we wanted to hear! We need that info so we can finalize decisions— this admissions cycle has taken longer than a pregnancy; It’s time for it to end! :sweat_smile:

My kid was told by April 15 on interview day

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Right?! Both me and my daughter are ready to make some final decisions. :slight_smile: Not sure I can handle another three weeks.

Would you be willing to ask your student to reach out to her admissions counselor at Loyola to ask when she can expect to get a decision on the Ignatian? I wonder if she might get a more helpful answer than ‘before May 1’!?

I’m inclined to think it HAS to be this week, but we’re so tired of waiting. My daughter has another admitted student visit day scheduled for this Friday, but if she (by some miracle) is awarded this scholarship, we can cancel that visit. I’d love to save another 8-hour round-trip drive if possible.

Sorry to repeat, but wanted to reply to you also @ACH1

Would you be willing to ask your student to reach out to her admissions counselor at Loyola to ask when she can expect to get a decision on the Ignatian? I wonder if she might get a more helpful answer than ‘before May 1’!?

I’m inclined to think it HAS to be this week, but we’re so tired of waiting. My daughter has another admitted student visit day scheduled for this Friday, but if she (by some miracle) is awarded this scholarship, we can cancel that visit. I’d love to save another 8-hour round-trip drive if possible.

I will ask mine if she wants to reach out, I will let you know if she does/what she hears back.

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Late yesterday my daughter received an email to let her know she was not awarded the Greer Scholarship for which she applied at Loyola. Hopefully that means notification about the Ignatian is coming very soon.

I am sorry to hear that. Thank you for letting us know! I am hopeful that the 4/15 date is accurate and everyone will know soon so they can start making final decisions.

They told her by the end of this week notices would go out.

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Just realized all Loyola offices are closed tomorrow for Good Friday. If it’s going to be this week, it will need to be today.

And I think they also might be closed Monday? Yes, I would think by 6p EST today? Hopefully. :upside_down_face:

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