Illinois Acceptances

<p>If you've been accepted to UW-Madison from Illinois, can you please share your stats? I heard it is more difficult to get in if you are from Illinois, so I am curious if this is true.</p>

<p>More difficult than…?</p>

<p>More difficult than the average admitted student… </p>

<p>I’m curious if the mid-range ACT and GPA is higher for Illinois students than published averages of accepted students overall. My own personal survey of a handful of friends who have been admitted in prior years suggests that Illinois students need to be closer to the high end of the mid-range of the published mid-range ACT. I’m not suggesting this is hard facts as it is simply stats from people we know who have been accepted or declined. For instance, we know quite a few 28’s with high grades and great EC’s that were declined this year and in prior years. </p>

<p>Well it is certainly more difficult for anyone who is not a Wisconsin resident. But, I am not aware of state-by-state admission statistics. I doubt Illinois residents are treated differently (held to a higher standard) than any other non-Wisconsin state.</p>

<p>From my current (OOS) UW student, it seems that there are simply so many Illinois applicants that they make up a disproportionate size of the OOS pool (other than MN, of course). OOS admission is higher bar – 28 or below is not a likely admit. </p>

ACT of 36, SAT subject tests 790 math II, 740 literature and 730 us history. Top 5 percent of class. Unweighted about 3.8, weighted 4.47. Four AP completed with three 5 and one 4. Taking five AP classes this year and will take 7 tests this year. Unweighted GPA a bit weak but solid test scores. Captain of speech team, 4 years youth and gov and model UN. Wisconsin was a safety

ACT 30, UW 3.47. Two completed AP, 3 in process, numerous volunteer hours, Madrigals, marching band, jazz band, Model UN vice-president. Wisconsin was my first choice and I am beyond happy right now. Already building up my Badger clothing.

ACT 29. UW GPA: 3.8 Class Rigor: Hard. Top 7% at big HS. A few leadership positions, involved in 5 clubs and 1 sport in total. Right now my #1 choice is Michigan, but I’am deferred at the moment.