UW Madison - chance me

Wondering my chances of getting into the University of Wisconsin at Madison this fall based on my stats

GPA: unweighted-3.8 weighted-4.1 ,
school does not rank

ACT: C-30 ( 33M 32S 31E 24R) will be taking again, hoping to get reading score in the 30s

White female, first generation college student, Minnesota resident

i have about 4 really good extracurriculars with long term commitment and 2 leadership positions, 2 or 3 more “fluffy” or lowkey extracurriculars also

taken all APs and honors available, will have 4 APs and 1 CIS by graduation

I think that you will def get in! What other colleges are you planning on applying to?

I’m not sure if Minnesota residents are considered in-state at UW given the reciprocity agreement. If you are in-state, it’s probably a low match; if OOS, a high match.

Agree with @prezbucky that it depends on how MN students are treated for admissions. I always had the impression, but don’t know if it is true, that MN students were not quite instate and not quite OOS for admissions. A 30 and a 3.8 for a WI student has a solid chance of admission but might not work out. For an OOS student, it would likely be postponed and could go either way with probably more likely to be a deny. So, for a MN student, likely too close to call. A couple of extra points on the ACT would certainly help remove some of that uncertainty. Good luck, and hang in there.

definitely both UW and UMN are top choices me for me right now, really like the academics, social aspects, and costs of both. I’m mainly looking at mid west schools, maybe north east coast. Open to suggestions!

Thank you for your adivce!! Being a minnesota resident is definitely a concern for me. Most people at my school with similar stats always get into the Univeristy of Minnesota, but it’s very competitive for Wisconsin

Other Midwest options:

High reaches: UChicago, Northwestern
Reaches: Carleton, Notre Dame, WUSTL
Low reach/high match: Grinnell, Macalester, Oberlin, Kenyon
Match: St. Olaf
Low match: Earlham, Lawrence, Beloit, Gustavus, Cornell College, Wabash…
Safety: UW and UM branches, less selective privates.

I recommend you go over to the UW Madison RD thread to view the stats of applicants who were accepted, denied or waitlisted. It’s extremely difficult to gain admission as an out of state student. I was surprised at how many students with absolutely stellar stats were being waitlisted or denied. It never hurts to try but reviewing those stats may help with perspective. Best of luck to you!