<p>anyone know how heavily ilr weights the math subject test requirment. i took level 1 today and feellike i got ~630, is that going to be a serious problem even if my sat's were solid?</p>
<p>ahh i signed up for korean today but i walked out right before they started.</p>
<p>anyway, the point:</p>
<p>i’d say the answer is no. i attended an info session for ilr and the guy who talked to us said one of the 2 admissions people kinda hates the SAT altogether; they think test scores are the least important and your knowledge of the ilr school is most important. your activities are more important than the SAT too…</p>
<p>i applied ED to ILR (primary) and CAS (alternate)
are you applying ED?</p>
<p>I got into ILR in the first round of rolling with a 650 on Math I, my SAT Math was a little bit lower.</p>
<p>intl_echo - When is the first round of rolling? If I am applying to ILR RD, will it help if I apply now?</p>
<p>thanks for your help guys!</p>
<p>@Procrastinidiot. yah, i’m applying ED, i was going to put cas as my secondary, but in the end i didn’t</p>