<p>i know, i know i'm late for applying, & i suck. however, since i'm late, i'm just curious if it would be totally worthless for me to even apply now.</p>
<p>3.5ish gpa
3 APs this year. I have to take a lot of silly electives because I moved the summer after sophomore year and needed to fulfill my new school's requirements. All my other classes are/were Honors.
1260/1800 SAT which is a 1940/2400 in new terms
29 ACT
Out of State</p>
<p>Editor of the school newspaper
Editor of the yearbook
Volunteer at an animal shelter
Shift Leader at Ben and Jerry's
Tutor in all subjects
Intern at an independent record label
JV Tennis Team for two years
Key Club
French Club
Latin Club
Inducted into the Quill and Scroll Honors Society</p>
<p>Side Note: I found that U. Wisc - Madison would be a great school for me too late. That's why this down to the wire applying.</p>
<p>Okay, Thanks.</p>