Postponed: Chances?

<p>I just got deferred from Madison this morning, and am wondering my chances of getting admitted in March. Here are my stats:</p>

Wisconsin resident
Half Asian, half white
ACT: 26
Unweighted GPA: 3.56
Clubs: FCCLA (President, national qualifier last year), Senior class Student Council Secretary, NHS, Forensics, schools newspaper, Spanish Club
Volunteer hours: 65</p>

<p>My act and gpa are pretty weak. Math and science are very hard for me; my interest is in English and social studies. I scored in the high 20s/ low 30s in reading and english on ACT but got in the low 20s for math and science. 10 on writing. Grades are similar--always get Bs or Cs in math, but have taken 4 APs so far and received an A every semester in my AP classes. Also am taking 2 more AP classes this year (Lang and World History), and am getting As. As of now, I have all As except a B in Spanish 5 and a C in precalc. I don't think I should drop precalc, but it doesn't look like I can get that grade up. What are my chances? I put my intended major as communication...</p>


<p>What did you state as your major?</p>

<p>intended major: communication arts</p>

<p>The in-state tuition is worth waiting for; plus, march is long way from the May 1 date that many colleges use as the final deadline. If you want to be a Badger, find a way to make your case. I don’t care what admission offices say about visits after applications are in. Call for an appointment in Madison and make your case in a personal way. Show your character and try to get to the highest ranking admission counselor you can reach. If they don’t honor the request or the try, there are fine schools throughout Wisconsin. Look at Lawrence in Appleton; Ripon and Carthage are also small and underrated. Going branch and then transferring to Madison is another option, though some do not prefer this way. The diploma in the end will still have the name you want.</p>

<p>Gets as many A’s as you can this term. Send that and a letter stating uW is your #1 choice and why and make it good. Overall chances after postponed are about 50-50 so make your best showing and you should have a good shot. Good luck.</p>

<p>I will make sure to do that. But based on my stats, what do you think the chances are of me getting in? My backup is the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, which I got accepted to last week.</p>

<p>Greater than 50-50 if you make the personal effort. As for UM or UW, go with your heart.</p>

<p>You’ll have to wait until spring to find out if UW will accept you, in time to cancel other admissions. You will find many Wis residents attending U of M, including others who were rejected by UW. If you end up at U of M you can consider a transfer to UW after one year (24 credits) and a good college gpa- at least a 3.0.</p>