<p>Hello everyone,</p>
<p>So I decided to enroll at Cornell for the fall, but things have not been going in my favor as far as senior year grades are concerned. I'm usually an A- student but recently my grades have been slipping and I'm worried about being put on academic probation freshman year, or even worse getting rescinded :'( I'm putting in a lot of work this last marking period (MP)to have at least decent grades, but here are my grades so far:</p>
<p>English: 1st MP: 70 2nd MP: 55
(I will have to get at least an 85 for my grade to at least be decent, I plan to turn in all homework and do more than what's required)</p>
<p>AP US: 1st MP: 73 2nd MP: 72
(I know it's my latenesses and absences for this class, I've been coming in on time so far so that will hopefully go up) </p>
<p>AP Stats: 1st MP: 90 2nd MP: 100</p>
<p>Health: 1st MP: 75 2nd MP: 65
(I know it's my absences and the fact that I need to turn in my homework, so this grade will go up)</p>
<p>AP Bio: 1st MP: 83 2nd MP: 82 </p>
<p>Any advice? Should I call admissions? Do you think I'll be put on probation or rescinded? I am putting in work to get my grades up, especially in English and Health class, which is a shame since they should be my easiest classes :(</p>
<p>Don’t worry, and don’t bother Cornell. Have a great summer.</p>
<p>Were the absences a medical necessity? Have you talked this over with your HS guidance counselor?</p>
<p>@cornellpezra: I think I should be worried since my grades have dropped, but I feel like calling Cornell admissions would be an if worse comes to worse situation</p>
<p>@siliconvalleymom: No they weren’t, oftentimes my absences were because of my coming late to school
and I haven’t spoke to my counselor about it, I plan to but I already know she’s going to tell me that I need to pull my grades up</p>
<p>LOL. I’m in the same boat! I’m taking only 4 classes, plus Health. Currently have B/C in all classes, and I need to do 20 hours of community service in the next… 2 weeks.
So yeah… chill out!</p>
<p>Okay so I have my updated grades, which appear on my transcript</p>
<p>English: 1st MP: 70 2nd MP: 55 3rd MP: 90</p>
<p>AP US: 1st MP: 73 2nd MP: 72 3rd MP: 68
My AP US teacher is a d o u c h e, and he knows that I’ll get a 5 on the AP test anyway -__-</p>
<p>AP Stats: 1st MP: 90 2nd MP: 100 3rd MP: 100</p>
<p>Health: 1st MP: 75 2nd MP: 65 3rd MP: 75</p>
<p>AP Bio: 1st MP: 83 2nd MP: 82 3rd MP: 82</p>
<p>So do I still have to worry, primarily for the 68 in AP US?</p>
<p>Relax and enjoy the rest of the summer. Cornell has more important things to worry about than you doing poorly in one class.</p>
<p>Thank you, I feel much better now :)</p>