I'm so close! Stupid waitlist!

<p>so yeah as you can read from the title... i got waitlisted to irvine...
what are my chances of getting in? and when do they let you know if you've been accepted or not??</p>

<p>i thought the uc’s dont waitlist.</p>

<p>I wasn’t aware they waitlisted?</p>

<p>they definitely waitlist…</p>

<p>some-dude and gwu</p>

<p>you guys should learn to read. did you guys even make it to irvine rofl.
probably not.</p>

<p>obviously if OP asking about waitlist he received a waitlist notice. HE EVEN SAID look at title. </p>

<p>****ing morons</p>

<p>god ■■■■■■■ these days. get bcak in the oven.</p>

<p>some dude: UC’s don’t waitlist. This is unprecedented, I believe.</p>

<p>Well obviously this year they did.
learn to read some and gwu</p>

<p>They don’t waitlist. Why would they? they always enroll too many anyways.</p>

<p>They waitlist god why do you guys doubt him</p>

<p>sheesh rice chill.</p>

<p>This must be the first year they’ve done it because I never heard about this before…</p>

<p>i got waitlisted for irvine too!! they say that you will be informed by may 15th, 2009 </p>


<p>i had 2 questions…</p>

<p>1) most of the other schools say that you have to register by may 1st if you intent to go to the college…if i were to accept another college’s admission by may 1st but later got into uci…could i decline the other college which i earlier said yes to (i know the fee is NOT refundable)???</p>

<p>2) i too would like to know what my chances are; my major: humanities, undeclared</p>

<p>There’s no reason to become hostile or question my intelligence. I didn’t doubt him, I just said I was unaware that they did. He/she was the first instance I’ve heard of. Learn to comprehend what you read before you attack someone.</p>

<p>To Nikky
Yes you can change your mind after submitting the SIR(or other schools equivalent), you just don’t get the fee back usually.</p>

<p>hey gwu</p>

<p>grow some brains before you post on cc.</p>

<p>Hey chill guys.</p>

<p>Anyways, Hmmm i’m not sure when they would tell you but i’m guessing after may 1st because that is the dead line for others admitted to reply o_o</p>

<p>I think thats kinda dumb. Why wait to tell the people on waitlist till may 15th? I understand its to see who actaully accepts but its kind of a hassle in a way to pay non-refundable money to another college if you might end up not going to it.</p>

<p>i just believe thats unfair to those waitlisted.</p>

<p>i wish the waitlist the best of luck :]</p>

<p>Nikki - </p>

<p>Waitlisted too. Called school and they won’t give out any stats or even say how many students were waitlisted. They did say we definitely won’t know until after May 1st and we should just accept another school and forfeit their registration fee if we decide to go to UCI.</p>

<p>So, yes, you can decline even after you accept.</p>

<p>I hope late registration doesn’t impact course selection priorities, but this probably doesn’t matter so much for freshman courses. Probably not if it’s only 2 weeks.</p>

<p>kadude, freshmen don’t register for classes until SPOP (Student/Parent Orientation Program) during the summer, so that shouldn’t be a factor. </p>

<p>Did the admissions folks say anything about how they’ll handle housing applications for waitlisted applicants? (Accepted applicants have a hard deadline of May 1st for housing.)</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>MaMoose - That’s good news - thanks. </p>

<p>No, I didn’t ask about housing - too worried about just getting in. But that’s a good point - I assume we’ll go to the bottom of the list there, but at least we’ll be at UCI(hopefully).</p>

<p>Well, I hope somebody points out to them that people admitted from the waitlist should get equal consideration for freshman housing… especially since living in freshman housing is a requirement for their 2nd year housing guarantee.</p>

<p>Again, good luck to you and everyone dealing with this stressful process.</p>