<p>Im sorry its another chances thread but I would really appreciate an honest opinion. Thank you.</p>
<p>GPA : about 3.7 overall. This year I have a 4.5 and Junior year was around a 4.0
Sats: ahhhh! Math (660) CR (560) Writing (600) Not going to get better unfortunately.</p>
<p>Applying as an evironmental studies major. Hoping that it is not that popular. NYU is my first choice but I did not apply early decision.</p>
<p>Great Essay....good recs....alot of extra-curriculars that have to do with environmental studies like president of my schools environmental club, 4th place in the environ-thon, many hours of community service. Alot of other extra curriculars. </p>
<p>Please be honest.</p>