I'm terrified that I won't get accepted!

<p>I plan on applying as a transfer student for spring 2014 in June. I got a 29 on the ACT and had a 3.89 GPA in high school, so I probably could have gotten in as a freshman, but I didn't even apply because I thought that Madison would be too big of a city for me. I couldn't have been more wrong! I hate my tiny town school that I am at right now and the few times I have visited friends at Madison I loved it!</p>

<p>The thing that's got me worried is my college grades. I got a 3.06 for my first semester :(. This semester, I'm guessing I will get nothing lower than an AB and my GPA will be around 3.7 or 3.8, but when averaging it out I will still only have a 3.3 or 3.4 overall. I've seen so many people on this website applying in with 3.7 college GPA's and not getting in! </p>

<p>One thing that I don't understand is how come people who transfer in from 2 year UW schools only need a 2.6 GPA to get accepted? My school is part of the "transfer agreement" program, but apparently I can't be a part of that because I never applied and got denied to UW Madison as a freshman. Although the website says that you can "opt in", when I called admissions, they said it can't be done. So frustrating!!!</p>

<p>Also, would it be a bad idea to get a letter of recommendation from my art professor if I'm not majoring in anything art related?</p>

<p>I don’t have a full answer to your question, but I have a comment that I think is important. Don’t take the first thing you hear from the admissions office as 100% certain fact. I’ve called them ask to a question before, and the student rep has given me wrong information. Try to talk to a transfer counselor if you haven’t already, as they would be more likely to give you correct info. Also, don’t be shy to politely point out that what they’re saying contradicts what it says on the website!</p>

<p>Get recommendations from anyone - your major doesn’t matter as an undergrad.</p>